Chapter 1: I pull a Mary Poppins

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Chloe's POV


The first time I entered Earth I was told I looked like Mary Poppins, but less graceful. And no umbrella. Or parrot, but just so you know, if I was conscious, I would've brought a parrot. But I was an unconscious, free falling, Mary Poppins, and I wasn't even free falling in my own atmosphere. Now let's start here.


    My eyes snapped open as soon as I felt the soft silkiness of clouds, and the fact that my body was starting to catch fire. So naturally, I began to scream. I looked down and saw the ground, getting closer by the second. I screamed louder. Then a thought popped into my head, I don't remember anything. I desperately racked my brain for any info on myself, because who knows, maybe I could fly?
Then I remember, and it all came crashing over me like a tidal wave. My name was Chloe and I could very much fly. I realized this just as I crashed into the roof of a car. Well, not crashed, I momentarily stopped myself centimeters away from the roof. I turned my head to the right to see a family sitting in the car. The father's jaw was dropped wide open, his hands still on the steering wheel, the mother's jaw was wide open too, a smear of red lipstick going across her cheek. The teenage boy in the backseat jaw's was also open as he was taking a picture of me, and his younger sister laughed in amusement at me. I gave a very small, awkward, smile and shuffled myself off their car. I stepped to the side and let them drive away.

I looked around to the small town I was in. A small sign nearby read 'Welcome to Happy Harbor!'. For a Happy Harbor, it looked sad. And it had a very ugly mountain in the back. I turned to look behind me where I saw people in a 'coffee' shop looking at me, their jaws open in shock too, a few of them with their phones out. That's when I very much realized everyone on the street was staring at me.

  I began to examine myself. I was wearing white, skin tight suit that went up to my neck. It had a hood that I quickly removed and a mask that went up to my nose, but had already fallen off when I hit the car. My fingers poked out of the end of the suit, like a kind of glove. My shoes were also attached to my suit, separated by an upside down gold 'V'. A right side up gold 'V' was on my chest. I looked back at the coffee shop window. I had curly blonde hair tied up in a ponytail and blue eyes.

Before I could examine myself any further, I heard a voice. "Don't move!" The voice yelled. I turned quickly with my hands held up to see a tall black haired boy. He was wearing a black shirt with black cargo pants and black boots. On his chest there was a large black 'S'. As I turned to look at him, two yellow beams of light came out of my held up hands and hit the boy in the chest. The beams blasted him back into a nearby wall, which crumbled in on impact. The whole street froze in silence, then people began to scream and run all over the place.

Then a green stick came and landed in front of me. It immediately began to spray gas everywhere, and I coughed and took a step back, only to ram into someone behind me. A tall dark skinned boy with a red shirt stood behind me. His gazing didn't feel menacing, but I felt intimidated as he stared at me. So I did the natural thing, and ran. I only got a few steps before a red and yellow blur appeared around me in circles.

I did the next best option, and flew. I got a few feet in the air, before I stopped, and began to drop to the ground. Then, arms caught me right before I dropped. I looked up to see a girl with red hair, and green skin. Very green skin. Nice freckles though. I screamed anyway and threw myself out of her arms and onto the street.

I ran a few steps again, only to be tripped by something. A boy in a red suit stepped out from behind a car, followed by a taller man who had black suit with a blue bird design in the middle. I got up and ran again. It is what I'm currently best at.

Then a string hit me from the back immediately tossing me up into the air and over one of the late metal poles that were producing light. A girl in a gray and black uniform with another black bird symbol stood on the pole. "Who are you?" She ask as she tilted her head at me. "Who am I? Who are you to tie me up on a metal rod!" I yelled back.

"You have an accent. Where are you from?" She asked me. "I don't know! Put me down!" I said as I struggled to get the piece of rope off my waist. Then, a small beam of light came from my finger, only to cut the rope and drop me 10 feet from the air. I screamed as I landed with a heavy thud on the ground.

The girl dropped down next to me. I felt the back of my head, pulling my hand back to reveal a blue sticky substance. The rest of the people from earlier landed next to her, looking at me. I stood up dizzy and more blue liquid dripped from the back of my head.

Finally the boy in the black suit with the bird design spoke up. "Is that your... blood?" He asked. I nodded slowly as the world began to spin around me a bit. The dark skinned boy stepped forward. "Who are you, and where are you from?" He asked gently, his gaze less harsh. I shook my head at him and took a step to steady myself.

"No. Who are you, where am I?" I demanded. A boy in a yellow and red suit, who I could only assume to be the fast boy from earlier, took a step forward. "You're in Happy Harbour, which is in America, which is on Earth. And um, we're the team, uh we don't really have a name..." He explained.

I took another step to steady myself as I looked around. The other boy in the red suit with a yellow "R" on his chest pointed at my neck. " Hey, um, I think you're still bleeding." He said. I felt my neck and looked to see more blood oozing down from the back of my neck. I shook my head and looked at the 'team' as my head began to spin. "My name is... Chloe... and I-" Was all I could get out before my world went dark, and a pair of strong arms caught me

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