Chapter 25: We get an Impulse

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*in Mariah Carey tune*


Chloe's POV


    I walk in the kitchen to find Gar and Robin III. "Good morning. Where is everyone?" I asked as I grabbed a Pop Tart. "Day off. No major missions for now." Robin III said. "And Dick?" I ask. "Dunno, let's go find out." Gar said as he jumped off the counter he was sitting on. Me and Robin III exchanged glances, smiling, and nodded in agreement. We walk into the mission room to find Dick with a bunch of holograms filled with alien stuff. "Decryption completed. "Translation completed." The system says as we all walk in.

    "Is that the Krolotean intel?" Robin III asks. "What Krolotean intel?" Me and Gar ask at the same time. We turn to face each other. "Jinx! Double Jinx! You owe me a soda! Two!" We say in sync before laughing, then Dick clears his throat and we quiet down. "These are the files that M'gann and J'ann recovered from Malina Island before it was destroyed." Dick explains. "Noted." Gar says. "Apparently, the Kroloteans were snatching humans to use as... guinea pigs? They were hoping to find something." Dick said. "That would be...?" I inquired.

    "Something inside us." Dick says. "What???" Me, Gar, and Robin III ask at the same time. "There's... no English word for it. The closest translation would be... Meta-Gene?" Dick answers, but not sounding too sure himself. "What's a Meta-Gene?" Robin III asks. "Never met a gene I didn't like!" Gar says, pulling a dad joke as he nudges Robin III. We high five. I taught him well. "Warning, unknown energy impulse detected." The system says as a beeping alarm begins to go off.

    You can hear thunder outside. Suddenly, a ball of lightning crashed in front of us. After a minute, a weird, big, gray and blue machine plops down in front of us. "What the heck is that?" I ask. It has a door in front, and it begins to unlock. "Stand ready." Dick says as he pulls out his eskrima sticks. Robin III pulls out his bow staff, and me and Gar get into fighting stances. The door opens and a puff of smoke comes out.

    When the smoke clears, a boy in a red and white suit with yellow goggles hops out. "Ta-daaa!" He says. "Hey, he kind of looks like..." I mutter to myself, but don't finish the thought. "Intruder alert, intruder alert." The system says as an alarm begins to blare. "Computer, lock down cave." Dick orders. "Well, I think we found our unknown energy impulse." Gar says. "It's a lot smaller than I imagined." I said as I studied the boy. Red hair, green eyes, he looked like Wally 2.0. "Impulse? That's so crash! Catchy, dramatic, one word!" The boy says. Then he runs.

    But he doesn't just run. He runs fast, like Flash fast. He is Wally 2.0! He zooms around all of us. "Like Nightwing, Robin, and Beast Boy! Except, that's two words. Blue Beetle's two words. Hey, is he here too?" The boy asks as reveals all our identities. He turns to run, but ends up hitting me. "Ah, sorry, didn't see you there? You're..." He said with a big smile, but it quickly washed away as he looked at my face. "You're her. Your Volt. That was easy..." He trails off as he stares at me. I frown. "Excuse me?" I say as I cross my arms.

    He shakes his head. "Nevermind, 'Impulse' can find everything out for himself! Haha!" He says as he runs off down the hall. "You three, take him down!" Dick orders. Me and Robin III begin to run, while Gar turns into a cheetah. "What does it mean, that we're 'crash'?" I ask Robin III as we run. "Dunno, do we look crash?" He asks me as we turn a corner, Gar speeding ahead. "I thought I looked great today, but apparently I look crash." I said as we kept running.

    Me and Robin III reach the kitchen, where we find Impulse speeding around. Robin goes for him with his bow stick, but he goes under it. "Limbo time!" He says as he goes straight under it. He speeds up to me and smiles. "Chloeeee, where's Blue at?" He says as he wraps his arm around me. "Who are you?" I say as I try to grab his arm, but he speeds away. "Or I can find him myself." He says as he speeds out of the room. Me and Robin III make our way back to the mission room, meeting Gar along the way, who was soaking wet.

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