Chapter 38: We're all in this together, like High School Musical style

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Jaime's POV


"That's a lot to process." Chloe said as she played with the necklace I gave her. I gave her a small smile and wrapped her into a hug. It took me thirty minutes to explain everything when we got home. "It's going to be okay, I promise." I said as I gave her a kiss on the forehead. "So she can see... everything?" Chloe said. "Si." I said. "Yeesh." She replied, and I laughed. "I know, that was my reaction. Should I get popcorn while you pick a movie?" I ask. "Yup." She says, popping the 'p'. I kiss her on the cheek, then go to get the popcorn.


Chloe's POV


"So you're not going to tell them?" Champion asked me as she sat in the beanbag chair in the corner of my room. I turned to face her. She had long curly hair like mine, but down and not in a ponytail. She was wearing my suit, but in solid white. The only other difference was that her eyes were solid gold. "The fact that whenever we switch we can only see each other? No, it's not really that important. Just like how Jai talks to Scarab, but he doesn't tell anyone about it." I said as I continued playing with the necklace. "He's cute." She remarked as she leaned her chin on her hand. "He's mine, so find your own." I snapped as she rolled her eyes, or that's what I assumed she was doing.

"So I'm really going to die?" I muttered. "I'll try my best to not overuse you, but when I battle my sister, most likely." She replied as she played with her curls. I sighed and looked through the options on the TV. "You don't have a name, do you?" I ask her, and she looks up at me. "No." She replies. "How about, uh, Olivia?" I ask. "No." She says. "Teresa?" "No." "Amber?" "No." "Mikayla?" "No." "Gracie?" "No." "Cecilia?" "No." "Bianca?" "..." "You like that one?" "It's not bad." "Bianca... Grace. Bianca Grace whatever your last name is." I say and she nods. "I like you, Chloe Crimson. You're one of the best hosts I've had." Bianca says.

"Thank you?" I say, and she goes back to playing with her hair. "Find anything good?" Jaime says as he walks back into the room. "No." Me and Bianca both reply. "What about this one?" I ask as I look at a picture of kids jumping in red graduation robes, like Wally and Artemis when they graduate. Jaime sighs. "I don't know if I can take another High School Musical marathon after my sister's." He says as he pops some popcorn in his mouth. "In that case, we're going to watch it." I say as I select it, and he lets out a painful sigh.


"We're all in this together, once we know that we are..." I sing as we walk into the Watchtower the next morning. "You didn't." Gar says as I continue to hum. "Oh, he did. All three." And practically everyone groans. "It was pure torture." Bianca said as she looked at the holographic images that Kaldur was looking at. "They're still there?!" I exclaimed as I looked over at the Helmana ships that were still hovering over Central City. "I mean, Rebecca did say one month." Babs answered, and I groaned. "So we have one month to figure this all out?" I complained.

"Yes, so we need a plan. Chloe, what do you remember about them? Anything." Kaldur says as he turns to face me. "Ummm, nope. All I know is the king is my dad, and that I'm a princess, and that we like to conquer worlds." I informed him. "And that they have never been stopped!" Bianca adds. "And that they're never been stopped." I repeated. "That's it?" Kaldur asks. "That's it." I confirm. "Could you ask Champion?" Robin asks. I look at Bianca, and she shakes her head 'no'. "Uh, I don't think Bianca feels like talking right now." I say, because there was no excuse. "Bianca?" The whole room questions.

"Uh, yeah, y'know she needed a name." I covered, but not well. Bianca threw her hands over her face. "How did you know that she needed a name?" Babs asked. "Y'know, just, a guess? I mean she's in my head, like I... I know things?" I excused, and Bianca put a hand over her face again. "You know they can't see me or feel me, right? It's like I'm a ghost." Bianca says as she leans on Conner's shoulder and waves a hand in front of his face. "Anyway, that's it I know." I say as I turn my attention back to Kaldur, and he nods. "Where are you going?" I ask as John walks by. "Patrol." He replies as he keeps walking.

"Oh! Can I come?" I exclaim as I run after him, and he nods. "Later guys." I say as I walk towards the zeta tubes. All of a sudden, I hear a scream. I turn to see Bianca hurtling towards me, from all the way across the room. She crashes into me, and I fall over. Gar, Bart, and Jaime start laughing, followed by the rest of the team. Except for Kaldur, he does that polite little Kaldur smile he does. "Turns out we can't go that far without each other." Bianca says as she rolls off of me, and we both get up. "Did you just trip over air?" Artemis says between laughs. "Yeah, yeah, very funny. See you guys later." I say as I zeta away with John, who has a smile on his face.


"So when you said patrol... I pictured something more... actiony." I said as I munched on fries from the green platform John had made. "Fine then, give me back the bucket and go fly around." He said as he reached his hand out to take it back. "NOT what I meant. It's just... When you're on patrol, you usually fly around fighting crime. Y'know, kicking names and taking ass." I said as I pulled the fries back to me and he laughed. "It's the other way around." He says as takes a bite of his burger. I look out at the horizon, where there was no crime happening. "Do you think I'm going to die?" I whispered.

He looks at me with a dead serious expression. "Chloe Victoria Crimson, you look at me. You are not going to die anytime soon." He said as he pointed a finger at me. "Promise?" I say. "Promise." He replies. "That's a big promise." Bianca says as she plays with her hair. I roll my eyes. "What? You think I can't keep it?" He says. "No, not you just... something else." I say, and it's Bianca's turn to roll her eyes. "You can see her, can't you?" John said as he bit into his burger, and I choked and spat out my coke. "Excuse me?" I said as I turned to look at him, Bianca's eyes widening. "Bianca. You can see her, can't you?" He said as he turned to look at me. "Uh, yeah, but how did you know?" I asked.

"Your mother." He said, and my eyes widened. "I met her one time at a summit. She was a representative for the Helmans, back when they would actually go to universal events. Your mom was always rolling her eyes or looking off into space. I asked her, and she explained." He explained. "You've met my mom?" I asked quietly, and he nodded. "I talked to her a couple times before she married your father." He said. "Cool." I said as I munched on more fries. "What was she like?" I asked. "One of the most pleasant people to talk to. Always polite, friendly. She looked exactly like you." He said as he turned to face me.

I felt a tear slip out of my eye. "Do you miss her?" He asked. "It's weird. I can remember what things were like, how people were like, but I don't actually have any memories of them." I said as I grabbed another fry. I felt another tear come down my eye, and I didn't catch it this time. "C'mere kid." He said as he wrapped me in a side hug. I felt more tears slip down my face. I was scared. Scared of dying, scared of losing all I had, scared of failing. Finally I wiped my eyes, and reached for another fry. "Really?" John said as he watched me pop some fires in my mouth.

"Hey! Crying makes me hungry." I said. "Blonde hair, monster appetite, sure you aren't one of Flash's?" He asks, and I let out a small laugh. "I'm all yours." I said as he smiled. Then a thought popped in my head. "Can I call you dad? You seem like much more of a father than my real one." I asked him, and then nervously waited on his response. A smile leaked onto his face. "I would be honored." He said, and I hugged him again. "We totally got this, dad." I said. "We do." He agreed. "We're all in this together... High School Musical style!" I said as I pumped my fists in the air. He and Bianca sighed and put their hands over their faces.

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