Chapter 30: We love cornfields

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Chloe's POV


"Exhibit A, Lexcorp Farms, where the Reach has partnered with known philanthropist Lex Luthor, to increase food production. Lexcorp and the Reach are even allowing public tours! Just openness and an end to world hunger, now why didn't the Justice League think of that?" Gordon G. says as Dick pauses the TV. "Is that man ever cheerful?" I mutter as I look at the TV. "Obviously any partnership between the Reach and Lex Luthor is bad news. So Alpha Squad is going undercover to recon any info from Lex Crop Farms." Dick says as he looks at us. Us being me, Jaime, Bart, Conner, Tim, Mal, & La'gaan. Yes, I was the only girl, no one else wanted to be in the 'boy's locker room', as they called it.

"Robin, you'll be running Alpha." Dick says. "Me?! Run... Alpha? Uh, right! Who's on the Squad?" Tim asks, still shocked. "Blue Beetle-" Dick begins, but Jaime cuts me off. "Woah, woah, woah! I should not be in the field, jefe! What if the Scarab goes all Reach-apocalypse on us?" Jaime asks, clearly concerned. "Your Scarab has had multiple opportunities to betray us, and it hasn't. And right now, its connection to the Reach might be our best shot at finding out what they're up to." Dick says as he places a hand on Jaime's shoulder.

"Well if Blue's going, I'm going." Bart says as he zooms in front of Jaime. "Oh, oh! Me too!" I say as I jump next to Bart. "I assumed as much." Dick says as a grin appears on his face. "And last but not least, Arsenal, but you'll have to travel lighter for our first mission, anything that can fit under civilian clothes." Dick says as a boy steps out from behind us. He had a red buzz cut, a mask, and tons of weapons on him. "Any questions?" Dick says. "Just one," Arsenal asks, "why are we meeting in this dump?". "Here we go." I mutter.

This boy was the original Roy Harper, I knew that much. I met the real Roy a few weeks ago, and I don't really see a difference, except for the fact one is shorter. "With the Cave and the Hall of Justice destroyed, we don't have many other options." Dick says. "What about the Watchtower? It's national news now, you can't pretend it doesn't exist. " Arsenal says. "Only Justice Leaguers and senior team members are authorized for the Watchtower. You don't qualify." Dick answers quickly. "Good to know where we stand." Arsenal says. This was going to be a long mission.


"Please remain seated at all times while the train is in motion." The loudspeaker says as we ride along, in a train. Getting into Lexcorp was easy, since they had public tours. Getting me and Bart in was the hard part, since we're not legal citizens anywhere. The train drove us into a warehouse, filled with plants and whatnot. We hopped off as it stopped. It was like a jungle here, except organized in neat rows. "We've just entered one of our farm's hydroponic domes. Where Lexcorp and the Reach are growing the food of the future!" The tour guide exclaims happily, too happily. It was 8:00 AM when we had to get up for this tour, and I didn't even have time for breakfast.

"This place will put the rest of Smallville's farms out of business." An older man speaks up, but it's more like complains up. "No, no, no, not at all! The Reach plans to share their techniques with the entire agricultural community!" Tour lady exclaims. "Please, everyone enjoy your choice of this new vitamin rich Reach-enhanced produce!" Tour lady says as she leads us over to a table of food. "Genetically enhanced?" Tim asked. I honestly don't know how he sees out of those sunglasses, but they do look cool. "There's been no tinkering with genes, rest assured! The Reach has ways of drawing out an organism's full potential!" Tour lady says, again too cheerfully.

As people begin to eat the food, Tim takes a tomato and puts it in a plastic bag. Bart throws me an apple. "Dude, we can't eat this, we have no idea what's in it." I say as I watch him bite into it. He shrugs. Jaime turns and looks at him with an unimpressed look. "What? I'm maintaining cover!" He says as he continues eating. Speedsters and their foods. "What's in those tubes?" Tim asks as he points to the nearby, well, tubes filled with pink liquid that's going into the plants. Oh wow, that's definitely not suspicious.

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