Chapter 20: Aliens and Nicknames

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Chloe's POV


Me and Conner ran along the swears. Gross, I agree. Clayface escaped Arkham a week ago, and we had been looking for him since. Sources said that they had seen piles of goop sinking into the sewers recently. Even grosser. Suddenly Conner stopped. He knelt down and picked up a pile of goop. "Are you sure that's just not shit?" I said, and he shook his head, and threw it down. "It's clay. He's close." He said as we both looked around.

Suddenly, a piece of goop grabbed us. I watched as Clayface emerged from the water. Triple gross. I was going to shower after this. "You always fall for this gag!" Clay yelled as he shoved me and Conner into his chest. I stopped counting how gross. We struggled as the clay engulfed us. "Struggle all you want kids! Even Kryptonians and blondies have to breathe!" Clay laughed as a pile of clay came over us.

"Let them go." I heard M'gann say. Finally. She used her telekinesis to separate the clay, and me and Conner fell back. I gasped for breath and jumped back as Clay shot... well, clay at us. "Delta Squad, we flushed the target. Converge on our signal." M'gann said through the telepathic link. "We can play at this all day, Missy. Nothing you can do hurts me!" Clay said as he hardened his hands into clay weapons. I saw Robin running out from behind pillars, throwing two batarangs, which sunk into Clay's back. They shot electricity out as Clay turned and laughed.

"That don't work anymore!" Clay said. "Then try this!" Conner yelled as he pulled a white capsule out of his pocket. Clay turned roaring with his mouth open, and Conner flicked the capsule into his mouth. Clay swallowed it and stopped. His stomach let out a small explosion, and he grunted as he hardened into clay. Conner smiled and went forward.

"Distraction went off as planned, Robin, thanks." Conner addressed Robin III as he stepped out of the shadows. "Just happy it worked." Robin III said as he smiled. Then, Gar came down from one of the sewer tunnels, in crocodile form. He jumped up from the water and transformed back into Gar form. "Aw man, is it over already? I didn't even get a souvenir for the trophy room!" Gar complained as he looked around.

I saw Jaime flying up in his beetle armor. Jaime looked back in disgust at Gar as he covered his nose. "Ughh, dude! I think that smell qualifies." He said as Gar frowned. Jaime flew over and landed down next to me. "You okay?" He asked as Gar walked over to join. "Besides the fact that I almost drowned in clay, have clay all over me, smell like shit, and in a sewer? Yeah, I'm good." I said as Jaime smiled and rolled his eyes. "I would hug you, but you smell." He said, and I smiled and nudged him.

Karen flew around Clay, and I watched his eyes move to watch her fly. Creepy. She grew into normal size and landed next to M'gann and Conner. M'gann took off her hood to reveal her pixie cut. I called it a break up cut, she called it a new style. It was an ongoing debate. "Delta Squad to cave, target neutralized." She said into the comms. "Good work Delta, come on home. Nightwing, out." I heard Dick say from the other end.

It was hard to believe it had already been a year and a half. Time was going by way too fast. We returned to the cave just in time to see La'gann getting his ass kicked by Dick. "Neptune's Beard! You did it to me again! I don't care how many years you trained as Robin, and then Nightwing, one of these days, your mine, chum." La'gann said as Dick helped him up. "I don't doubt it, Lagoon Boy." Dick replied.

Karen immediately shifted back to normal size, just as Mal approached her. "Slow down, beautiful. I wanna tell you what's on for tonight." He said as he smiled at her. "Oh, sorry Mal, I can't. I'm already late for a lab session with doctor Palmer. Raincheck, baby, okay?" She said as she removed her mask and ran down the hall. "Raincheck, sure." Mal said sadly, and I put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a small smile, which he returned.

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