Chapter 15: My first birthday party is quite literally lit

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Chloe's POV


As soon as I saw Kladur approaching, I knew this was the beginning of the end. I quickly looked at Dick, and he gave a slight nod. "Dude! Where have you been?" Wally said as he stood up to greet him, and Kaldur stopped. Then he raised his arms, and a large wave of water came and slapped Wally to the side. Oh shit, he's really good at acting. "Kaldur, what the heck?" Artemis exclaimed as she went over to help Wally up. Dick immediately went over and grabbed Kaldur by the shoulder, but Kaldur punched Dick in the face, sending him flying back.

He tried to throw more water at us, but I quickly shielded us. "Kaldur! What are you doing?" M'gann exclaimed as she used her telekinesis to make him fly up. "You don't get it! You all mean nothing to me!" He said as he broke free of her powers, throwing more water at my shield. I could feel the cracks in my arm starting to reappear, and I hoped that this wouldn't go on for much longer.

Suddenly, Dick appeared out of nowhere and kicked Kaldur down. I dropped the shield, as Conner and Dick held him down. "What are you doing?" Conner asked him, but Kaldur didn't respond, only hitting him in the face with water. He stood up and turned to face us all. "My father, I never knew who he was. My King has lied to me. My father is the Black Manta!" He exclaimed. I put on the most dramatic face I could. I should take up acting school.

"That doesn't mean anything! You can still be part of the team!" Artemis exclaimed as she walked over pulling Wally, actually dragging was the right word since he was unconscious. "Yes it does, it means I can no longer be a part of this team. Goodbye." He said, as he turned to walk away. Suddenly, a loud explosion came from behind us. I turned quickly enough to see an explosion coming from the rock behind us, and I put up a shield. When the dust had cleared, Kaldur was gone.


"What the heck was that?!" Wally exclaimed as he paced the cave. Everyone sat wet and sandy on the floor, depressed and angry at what had just happened. Kaldur was gone, making it clear what side of this fight he had chosen. "What are we supposed to do now?" M'gann asked Dick quietly. "You're going to be in charge, right?" Karen asked him. Dick nodded, and stood up. "For now, let's all go to bed. We'll discuss more in the morning." He said. Everyone nodded, and went their separate ways.

"Goodnight." I said as Jaime pulled me into a hug. "Sorry about your party. Oh, wait! I wanted to give you this." He said as he pulled a small box out of his pocket. I quickly unwrapped it to reveal three picture frames. One was of me and Jaime roller skating, the other was of us sleeping on the couch, and the last one was a group photo of the whole team at the mall.

"It's a bit last minute, but I figure I should get you something anyway-" He began, but I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him. "Best birthday gift ever, and best boyfriend ever." I said as I pulled away after a minute. He smiled and wrapped me into a hug. "Happy Birthday Chloe, I love you." He said as he kissed me again.


The next morning, I woke up and smiled at the sight of the three pictures, but frowned when I saw Kaldur's face. That was some method acting he put on last night. It was convincing, almost a little too convincing. But all I could do was hope his mission was going well. I woke up and went to redo my ponytail and brush my teeth, but gasped at the sight of my face.

The cracks had spread up to my neck. I guess the large shields last night were taking a lot out of me. Less shields, noted. I put my hands over my neck to make the cracks fade, but as soon as I did, a burning pain shot through my whole body. I grabbed the sink for support, and watched as the cracks spread up to my chin. This was bad, really bad.

I checked the weather for today. It was only supposed to be 75 at most, so maybe a turtleneck was an option. Either way it had to be an option. I pulled the turtleneck on, threw on some shorts down bottom, and walked down to the lounge. As soon as Artemis saw me, her eyes widened. "Aren't you dying of heat in that?!" She exclaimed. I shrugged. "It's not that bad." I said, trying to hide the beads of sweat on my forehead.

I caught Wally's face of concern, but quickly passed by it. "Chloe, I really think you should change out of that. I can see the sweat rolling down your face." Jaime said. "Nah, I'm fine." I said. Everyone stared at me, unimpressed. "Look guys, it's only... 79 out... that's hotter than earlier-but anyway! What are we doing today?" I said as I set my phone down, forcing a smile onto my face.

"Well, we don't have anything to do today. I guess we could train-" Cassie began, but I quickly cut her off. "No! No training!" I said, receiving strange looks from everyone. "Uh, movie day?" I suggest, and everyone looks at each other and nods. "Fantastic! To the couches!" I said as everyone began to walk there, but I grabbed Wally by the arm before he could go any further.

"I would ask how it's going, but your thick turtleneck says it all." He says as he crosses his arms. I pulled down my turtle neck to show him how far my cracks had gotten, and his eyes widened. "You tried healing it, didn't you?" He said sternly and I gave a tiny nod. "Chloe, you can't keep doing this! You need to tell the team, they might be able to help." He said, as he gestured to the group on the couch who was deciding between watching the Hunger Games or Toy Story.

"Look Wally, I'm not sure there's anything they can do. My mom... it didn't seem like there was anything we could do. At this point, I just gotta hope." I said, and his face twisted into concern. "Clo, either you're gonna tell them, or I am." He said. "Fine, I promise I'll tell them by the end of the week." I said and he nodded. "Good, and you better come to me and Arty's graduation tomorrow crack free! Don't look at me like that, it came out wrong!" He said as I held in my laughter. "Fine, fine, I'll work on it. C'mon, I think they picked Toy Story." I said as I walked over to the couches, finding a spot next to Jaime.

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