Chapter 39: So I lied...

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Chloe's POV


"How did we get down to three days to figure this out?" I ask as I lean back in my chair in the conference room and put my hands in my face. We had wasted the whole month with other missions and shit, and forgot about the large red ships hovering above Central City. Then yesterday, a transmission came in from dear old sis, reminding us we had three days left. So we immediately called a conference, with the members of the Team and Justice League. "Are we even sure your dad is here? So far, we've only seen Rebecca." Babs speaks up.

"You're not wrong. She could be faking the whole thing just to get you to come back with her after all. You are one of the Champions right? They need you." Dick says. Yes, even Dick came. "Maybe." I muttered. "Why don't we just go up there and bring down all the ships?" Captain Marvel suggests. "Something about that feels too easy." Conner replies. "Covert team, like the Warworld?" Artemis suggests. "Last planes that went near there got incinerated. Plus, the ships are way more advanced than the Warworld." I replied. The whole room lets out a stressful sigh. "Why don't we just wait and see what type of forces they bring?" M'gann suggests. "Honestly, that's the best plan we've had so far." I said.

Nobody said anything. "What about Bianca? We need her opinion." John said. "Ok, lemme ask her." I shut my eyes. "No." Bianca hissed, and whacked me on the back of my head, causing my head to hit the table face first. Bart, Gar, Jaime, and John all stifled back laughs, while the rest of the room stared in shock. "Y'know, I think she doesn't really feel like talking at the moment." I said as I looked back up and rubbed my forehead. "I think Miss Martian has had the best idea so far. Unless we find a way to sneak a covert team into the ships, we can only wait." Batman said, most likely making the final decision.

"Have we tried reasoning?" I ask. "Yes." The whole room quickly replies. "Noted." I mutter back. "Meeting adjourned." Batman said, and the screeching of chairs was immediate. I made my way over to Jaime. "I gotta go talk to John about something, but I'll be back in a bit." I said as I kissed him on the cheek. "Okay, I'll see you in a bit." He agreed, then I ran off. So I kinda lied. I did go to John to see if there were any missions, but there weren't any. So then I made my way down to the grotto. I looked up at all the holographic statues.

All of these people had risked their lives, making the final decision by themselves. They didn't console anyone, they tried by themselves, and succeeded. At a terrible price, though. And not that I don't love my friends, I just feel like they didn't realize how serious this situation was. "You look like you're thinking, and you don't think much, so it must be a truly dumb idea." I heard a voice say, and I turned to see Artemis. "Ha ha." I said as she approached Wally's statue. "This is our first major mission without him." She said quietly. "Yeah, I know." I replied, already knowing what I was going to do.

Then I hugged her. "Uh, what's this for?" She said as she returned it. "A thank you. For being my friend when I first came here. I don't know what I'd do without you." I said as I pulled away. She smiled. "Don't do anything dumb, okay?" She said, and I laughed. "No promises." I replied.


"Can we watch Fast 7?" I asked as we scrolled through movies. "C'mon, we've watched that a million times. Let's find something else." Jaime said as he kept scrolling. "We've watched everything a million times. Pleasseeeeeeeeee." I said as I continuously stretched out the 'please'. "Fine." He eventually muttered in agreement. "Yes! Best boyfriend ever." I said as I kissed him on the cheek, and he smiled. Halfway through the movie, I kissed him again. "What was that for?" He asked as he turned to look at me. "I don't do it enough." I said, and he gave me a smile. I loved that smile. Then he kissed me back.

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