Chapter 24: Sick? Nah.

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Chloe's POV


Ever since the mission almost a week ago, things had been relatively quiet. Tonight, I was over at Jaime's house, helping him study for all his tests, otherwise he would fail. Well, to be honest, I also had no idea what I was doing, but I was trying my best to help. Was, because now it was midnight, and we were asleep. Then his phone rang, and we both jumped. "Who the heck is that?" I said as I rubbed my eyes and he reached for the phone. "It's Tye, hang on. Tye, it's almost midnight, what?" He answered in a raspy voice that I found very hot. I also tried my best not to check him out in his shirtlessness.

I watched Jaime's eyes widened as he hopped off the bed and grabbed a shirt. Damn it. "Woah, woah, woah, slow down, hermano." He said to Tye. It was a very one sided conversation. "Tye, listen, I'm on my way, I'll meet you by the state of Cochise." He said, obviously trying to reason with Tye. "We'll talk, just promise me you'll wait till you get there." Jaime said as he ran a hand through his hair. Hot. Jaime sighed as he hung up the phone. "I would ask what's wrong, but..." I said as Jaime turned to me.

"It's complicated, I'll be back in a few minutes." He said as he wrapped me in a hug and kissed the top of my head. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. He ran towards the open window, transformed into the Beetle armor, and flew off. I sighed, and began to clean up his bed full of textbooks and papers. By the time he got back, I was done cleaning. "He wasn't there, right?" I said as he retracted his armor and nodded.

"He has really bad family issues. He always threatened to run away, but I never actually thought he would..." He said as he ran a hand down his face. I hugged him, and he hugged me back. "I'm sorry." I said as he buried his face into my shoulder. We stood like that for a few minutes, before he pulled away and sighed. "There's nothing I can do now. C'mon, let's just go back to bed." He said as he walked back over to his bed and pulled the covers back. I hopped next to him in bed, and he pulled me close to his chest and kissed my forehead. I smiled, and kissed him back on the lips.


The next few days were quiet again, no exciting mission. Until today. Today was the all girls mission to Bialya. And I was sick. Er, at least I think I am. The morning of, I woke up with a sore throat, runny nose, and terrible headache. I had never felt this way before, fuck Earth sickness. "Clo, you okay? You look like you just crawled out of a Lazarus Pit." Barbara said as I walked in the kitchen. "Yeah, I'm okay. So what time are we leavi-ACHOO!" I began, but I sneezed mid sentence. And it wasn't a regular sneeze.

My sneeze threw me backwards, and I landed hard on the wall behind. "Owwww." I said as I rubbed my head. "Chloe!" All the girls exclaimed as they rushed to help me up. "I think I might be sick." I said as I coughed, but when I went to cover my mouth, beams went flying out of my hand, and shot another nearby wall. "Ughhh, my bad." I said as I looked at the holes in the wall next to me. "Oh yeah, you're definitely sick." Cassie said as she inspected the holes.

"Yeah, but I'll be fine as long as I... ACHOOO!" I began to say, but I sneezed again, flying into the wall in front of me. "Clo, maybe you should sit this one out." Karen said as she helped me up this time. "And this so you know, I'm getting this all on film!" I heard Gar call from the kitchen. "Thanks. But I'll be good... OH SHIT!" I began to say, but then I coughed, and beams came out of my eyes. Everyone screamed, including me. After a second the beams stopped, to reveal burnt lines all over the floor. Everyone looked at me in astonishment, and I looked right back at them. "I didn't even know I could do that...." I whispered in shock.

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