Chapter 5: Grocery Store 10 year olds

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Chloe's POV


    After changing, I walked back into the kitchen to find the cereal Mal was having earlier. I also noticed that the bowl from earlier was still in the gold shield I had put around it. I tried my best to make it go away, but nothing I did helped. Then I looked in the large black cold box and found the white liquid, which was labeled 'milk'. I learned later that pouring the milk into the bowl before the small colorful loops was not a good idea, as the milk went flying everywhere. After a little cleaning up, I set the bowl of cereal down and found the same scooper tool Mal was using.

    I scooped just enough up, and shoved it into my mouth. My eyes widened at the taste. It was so sweet and savory and the taste lingered in my mouth even after I swallowed it. "This is the best food I've ever had!" I exclaimed, even though no one was here. I finished the whole bowl in a matter of seconds, and 20 minutes later when everyone walked back into the kitchen area, I had finished 2 boxes of 'Fruit Loops', 2 boxes of 'Lucky Charms', gone through 2 cartons of milk and was on my second box of 'Honey Nut Cheerios'.

I looked up as everyone walked into the cave, their mouth's dropping in shock. "Why didn't you tell me that this food existed earlier? This is the best thing I've ever tasted!" I exclaimed as I finished my bowl of Cheerios. "How... How much of that have you eaten?" Artemis asked me as she shook some of the empty boxes. "I don't know, but they are so good!" I said as I poured myself another bowl of Cheerios.

"Oh and by the way, never pour the milk first. Terrible things happen." I said as I took the scooper tool and began to eat again. "Wally, she's eating more than you! Chloe, how are you doing this?" Artemis asked me as Wally glared. "I don't know, but they are so good!" I said as I finished another bowl, and poured myself another.

And then another. Another. Another, and then Wally cut me off as he grabbed the milk out of my hands just as I was about to pour it. "Okay, that's enough. It's my job to be a super eater. Besides, you just ate all of our cereal!" Wally exclaimed. I looked at all the boxes. "Ah, sorry. My bad." I said, and Wally shook his head in agreement. Then he turned to Dick, with a smile on his face.

"Dick, we gotta go to the store now. Cereal is my go to! Besides, Chloe's gotta see our amazing world!" Wally said as he put his arm around my shoulder. Dick sighed and pinched his nose. "Please Dick, she just won against Black Canary. She deserves a celebration!" Wally said. Kaldur put a hand on Dick's shoulder, and Dick looked at him and they both nodded.

"Fine, you all can go out for a few hours, but if there's a problem you all need to be back here immediately." Dick said. Wally pumped his fist in the air. "You hear that team? We're going to the mall!" He exclaimed. "Wally, I said store!" Dick exclaimed. "Which mall happens to be nearby, so we'll pick up a few groceries, and then go to the mall! Anyway, bye Dick!" Wally said as he began to shove everyone towards the zeta tubes. "Wally wait-" Dick began, but Kaldur interrupted. " I will go with them. You can stay here if there's any problems." Kaldur said, and Dick nodded.

"Isn't there a roller skating rink in the mall?" Cassie asked Barbara, and she nodded. "What is this 'roller skating rink'?" I asked them. Cassie smiled, and so did Barbara. "It's like  this circular thing you get to move around in, well it's easier to explain when you get there. I'm Cassie by the way, I don't think we got formally introduced." She said as she stuck out her hand, which I shook. "And I'm Barbara, but you already know that." Barbara said as she also stuck her hand out, which I shook again.

We all zetaed out of the cave, and ended up in an alley, which all 11 of us tried not to look suspicious coming out of. I talked with Cassie and Barbara as we walked towards our destination, the 'grocery store' as Barbara called it. This 'grocery store' was a very large building, and I was told it had a ton of food in it. "Okay team, here's what we're going to do." Wally said as he rubbed his hands together.

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