Donna Reed Debate part 2

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I was sitting in my room when I heard the back door open. Lorelai and Rory were in the living room so I went to see who it was.

"Babette!" I greeted, putting down my homework.

"Hi, Sugar. Are your mom and sister around?" She asked. I nodded and called them.

"Hi, Babette! Do you want some coffee?" Lorelai asked.

"No thanks, Lorelai. I just have a favor to ask," Babette declined. I sat down as Lorelai asked, "what's up?"

"Well," Babette started. "Morey got a call to perform something in the city, so we have to leave soon. The thing is, we finally got a new kitten named Apricot and we can't leave him alone. I was just wondering if any of you would be okay to watch him?"

I immediately said yes. I loved cats. I would probably have one if I wasn't positive that Rory and Lorelai would kill it.

"Hey, I want to do it," Rory said.

"Why?" I asked. "Why would you think you could possibly take care of a cat?"

Rory shrugged. "I need some alone time to study for a test."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

"Thanks, girls!" Babette thanked. Then she left.

When she did, Lorelai turned to me. "Well, you just jumped at that offer."

"What do you mean?"

"It seems like you want to spend a night away from me," Lorelai said.

"Mom, most of my life was one big night spent away from you," I pointed out. Lorelai smiled weakly. "And besides, Rory's the one thats actually going."

I went back to my room and turned on some music and went back to finishing my homework.

When school was done later that day, I went to get Rory, but Dean was already there.

"Hi, Dean!" I greeted.

"Hey, Lucy," he replied as the bus opened it's doors.

"Hello," Rory said to me before kissing Dean. I gagged.

"Get a room!" After the lovebirds greeted each other, I noticed Rory holding a bird cage.

"Um, what is that?" I asked, pointing to the fuzzy little chick in the cage.

"Homework. You're going to help me examine it's every move for the next month!"

"Yay," I said. "Oh! Can I name it?" Rory laughed, then shrugged.

"Sure, I don't care."

"Well, I'm going to get coffee at Luke's. You want anything?" I asked Rory.

"No thanks," she said and I ran off.

"Coffee, please!" I said, walking into Luke's.

Luke sighed and poured me some coffee to go. "Remember when you didn't drink coffee? I thought you were special, but I guess you're just like your mom and sister."

"Aw, thanks for the compliment, Luke!" I teased. Luke walked away murmuring.

As I turned to leave, I saw Rory and Dean. It looked like they were getting into some kind of argument.

I ran to Rory as Dean went into Doose's to start his shift.

"What was that about?" I asked as we walked home.

"I don't know. He made some joke about the Donna Reed show that wasn't really funny," Rory explained.

"Oh. Was it the whole 'making a home cooked dinner for her husband is nice' thing?"

"Yeah," Rory confirmed.

"Well, I don't think it's worth getting into an argument with your perfect first boyfriend. That would be stupid."

"Whatever," Rory mumbled.

"Hi," I said to Lorelai when we got home.

"Hi," she responded. "I have to leave soon." I sat down at the table as Lorelai sorted through paint chips.

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm going to Luke's to pick colors to paint the diner," Lorelai explained.

"Oh," I said as Rory walked in, holding the cage. She plopped it down in front of Lorelai.

"What is that?" She gasped.


"Can I name her?" Lorelai asked. I shook my head and crossed my arms.

"I'm already naming her," I explained. Lorelai gasped.

"Well, thats unfair!" You got to see her first, so you got first rights!"

"Hey!" I put my hands up. "You got to name us, so I think I should get to name the chick."

Lorelai cocked her head. "Two very different events."

"I'm naming him Stanley," I said.

Lorelai rolled her eyes as Rory finally said, "It's a girl, guys."

"Oh," I paused. "Stella, then."

"Oh! Stella was married to Stanley!" Lorelai quickly added.

Rory rolled her eyes. "Sometimes I think I'm the most mature in this family."

Lorelai scoffed as I said, "You wish."

"Name it whatever you want, I'm leaving her here so the cat doesn't get any ideas," Rory said, grabbing her backpack.

"Okay, I'll watch after her!" I called as Rory left.

I did not watch after her. Only about an hour after Rory left, Stella somehow escaped, so I had to call Leo.

"Hey," I said. "I need you help finding something."

"Sure, I'll be right over," he replied. A few minutes later he showed up. We looked everywhere for the chick and eventually found it, but we broke a lamp in the process.

"Here, I'll take that," Leo said as I handed him a cardboard box filled with the lamp remains.

We walked out to the trash can, where Dean was going to as well.

"Hi," I said slowly. Why was he at the house.

Then Rory came out. I looked at what she was wearing and tried to not laugh. I failed. I fell to the ground, laughing so much, I cried.

"What are you wearing?" I asked.

Rory crossed her arms. "Don't laugh!" Then the situation got more unbearable when Lorelai arrived back the house and started laughing with me. Rory rolled her eyes and went back inside the house.

"Bye," Dean said, smiling.

I waved by to him and kissed Leo goodbye.

When we got back inside the house, Lorelai and I fell apart again.

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