Chapter Three

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"Thanks." I mumbled brusquely. Not wanting to have a conversation with him anymore.
"GRAY SLOW DOWN!" He shouted at his brother.

I looked at him and thought how could he be so ignorant. Immediately as if I was thinking out loud he said, "It's fine. Girls like that irritate me. It's obvious you two have beef."

"Beef?" I asked, quizzically while laughing.

"Yeah," he half-smiled, "I mean, you obviously don't like each other. And you looked about ready to rip her head off when she took that guy's hand. He your boyfriend or something?"

My smile fell.
"He's no-one." I intended on changing the subject from Stacey and Lucas, "what do you want to do now?"
"I don't care." Zach answered gruffly.

'Today's going to be great with this bag of laughs.' I thought to myself.

Gray fell back and was close to us again.

"Hey Gray, do you wanna go see the triceratops? I can get us into the pens away from everyone else?" I suggested. He immediately swung around with excitement plastered on his face.
"You can really do that?"
"I can try!" I smiled at him.

We walked over to the crowded area where the familiar dinosaurs were being petted and photographed. Gray rushed off to the crowds to see the triceratops and I told Zach I'd go talk to the staff member that I had met the previous summer.

Zach's POV:

She smiled and walked over to the guy near the tour box, disappearing inside. She seemed okay, boring, but okay.

"Lift me up, I can't see!" Gray ordered with excitement.

"I can't, I'm not dad and you're not five." I grumbled in frustration.

"I can still ride the-" Gray ran off trying to push to the front to get a better look at the creatures, I walked off as to escape his pleads.

"This place is for kids..." I mumbled to myself, instantly feeling guilty when thinking of Callie and her smile.

Zara had caught up with us and was stood talking to someone on her phone paying no attention whatsoever to what was going on around her.

Callie was stood at the box beckoning us to come over.

"Scatter." I said quickly.

"What?" Gray asked, puzzled.

"Go, go, go! Run!" We scurried off to where Callie stood.

She spoke enthusiastically to Gray, but everything they were discussing was a blur in my mind and I had no idea what they were talking about as we walked into the back section of the petting area.

There were three grazing dinosaurs behind a fence as tall as Gray. Callie clicked her tongue and they waddled over to her with glistening eyes.

Callie's POV:

"What are their names?" Gray asked as he crouched down beside me to pet the tiny Brachiosaurus.

"Well, this fella' here is called Billo and he's a-"

"Brachiosaurus!" Gray burst with enthusiasm when he said it.

I giggled and carried on with what I was saying, "right, and then this guy right here, do you know what type of dinosaur he is?" I questioned him.

"Of course! He's an Apatosaurus!" Gray confidently beamed.

"Do you want a job here? You're just as good as my dad!" I winked and carried on, "so yes this Apatosaurus is called Callico. And then there's the shy Triceratops called Farkle."

"Wow..." Gray whispered as Billo pushed past Callico so he could get some attention.

"Guess which one I named..." I smiled down at him.


"Bingo. He was born on my birthday so I figured, what better time to name a dinosaur after myself?" I grinned at him.

"Hey... Callie..." Gray mumbled as he let the dinosaurs lick his hand.
"Yeah?" I questioned, standing up and brushing the dirt off of my legs.
"Is there any chance we could, maybe.. feed them?" His eyes filled with excitement.
"Hmmm..." I paused, faking a thoughtful look. "You know, I think maybe there is a chance! I'll go get some treats from Toby."

I walked past Zach and flicked his arm as he was staring down at his phone.

As much of a grump that he was, his disoriented face was cute. Surprisingly he smiled and I returned it before hopping over to the staff room.

Zach's POV:

"Can you like.. tweak down your geekiness, it's kinda embarrassing." I asked.

Gray stared at me as if I was speaking another language.

"I'm socializing and you're just on your phone. Why are you in such a bad mood? Is it because she likes me more?" He asked, smugly.
Callie emerged from the small building yet again, and I ended the conversation with my brother quickly, "shut up, dork."

Callie's POV:

I returned with a box of treats for the dinosaurs as the two brothers were bickering.

I handed Gray twenty or so of the small pellets and walked over to Farkle, Callico and Billo.

They munched innocently on the treats and Gray and I took a short glance back at Zach.

"Hey, don't be a spoilsport!" Gray called while squinting through the sunlight, "get over here."

He looked up and after a few seconds placed his phone in his pocket and shuffled over to the fence; crouching down next to me.

He sighed as I poured some treats into his hand, "obviously not."

I laughed as he stared at the treats in confusion.

"Well go on then Einstein... feed them!" I giggled jokingly.
"Uhm... how exactly do you hold the-"
"Oh, uh. Like this..." I placed the box behind me and gently put my hand underneath his, bending the shape of his fingers slightly, so it wouldn't be difficult for the dinosaurs to get to the treats.

I glanced up at his face and noticed he was staring at me the we just lingered there for a short moment. The warm brown colour gripped me, making butterflies erupt in my stomach. I cleared my throat and looked back down at the dinosaurs, feeling the heat rushing to my cheeks.

We fed the dinosaurs for another five minutes- Gray seemed to cheer up when the little dinosaurs nibbled at his hands. We remained there until we heard the woman (Zara) calling our names.

"Well, we better run." Gray panicked.

I nodded and rushed to return the treats to Toby, the staff member.

"Where to next?" Zach asked with unpredicted enthusiasm as he was constantly checking the area for Zara.

"I don't know.. maybe.." Gray was struggling to decide.

Zara popped round the corner and Zach let out a startled cry, "RUN!"

We sprinted away just as fast as Velociraptors!

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