Chapter 4: I'm not Scar

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Enjoy the story!

Scarlet's Pov

So much for getting laid tonight. Liam took Alice away, I have no idea where they went or what he will do to her, I just hope he won't do anything to trigger her trauma. I knew who Xaden was, people would shit in their pants if they looked at him in his eyes, yet I was taunting the beast. God, I just wanna get us out of this shit, mostly Alice. When he told me 'Scar' I did not react, because he might know that I was hiding something. Fucking hell, all I wanted to do was get laid and never draw attention to me, and now look where we are, again. How do I end up in situations like this, I have no idea.

"What would you like to talk about Don?" I asked in a sarcastic way.

He did not answer, he was just looking at me, trying to read me, trying to read my reactions. He then started running in circles around me. I know what he's doing, he was trying to make me lose my shit. But little does he know it won't be that easy to get on my nerves. "You know, for almost 7 years I have been looking for someone who is very important to me. And you might just know where that person is." he said, voice low.

"Why the fuck would I care who that person is that you are looking for?" I asked with sarcasm in my voice, almost like he's making me annoyed. Which he wasn't annoying me, I was so scared that he would do something to Alice.

"Now, Scar," he said with a taunting voice, "tell me why do they call you Scar?" he asked, now he was facing me. He slowly sat down on the couch spreading his legs. I have never paid attention to him, until now how hot he was. Yes, I was saw him before the shooting has happened but fuck, now that I was not tipsy anymore I was more able to see him, and if the sight in front of me was not making my panties wet, I don't know what will. This man was bringing another side of me that no one has ever brought before.

"Because it's short for Scarlet. Are you that stu-" I didn't get to finish my sentence, when he pulled out his gun from his waistband, charged it and placed it in his groin. A silent threat for me to not finish that sentence.

"Do not even think of finishing that sentence, tesoro." he said while grinning like fucking crazy. This man was crazy as fuck. I could not say anything wrong, Alice was with Liam, one wrong move and they could kill her for fucks sake. "Now, tell me the truth, why Alice called you Scar." he said again. "To make it easy for you, Scar is an assassin that is on every news right now. And you have the same name as the assassin somehow."

Fucking Alice man. "I already told you the truth why Alice called me Scar. You possibly won't be thinking that a small girl like me is a fucking assassin now would you? That would be funny as fuck, what a girl like me can possibly do?" I stated again, now im starting to get fucking pissed. If only he knew I was the assassin that he was looking for. But my main question is why is he looking for me, he cannot possibly be Trigger, because he's a Mafia leader and why would he need a personal assassin? Fucking hell, tonight cannot get any worse.

"Fine, I know how to find out if you are Scar." he stated. Fucking hell, my heart started beating faster, he couldn't possibly tell Liam to torture Alice. Would he? He pulled out his phone, and he came beside me, now my heart was beating faster than before, shit he will torture Alice. I couldn't stand if something happenes to Alice, I killed for her for the first time in my life to save her, I cannot stand if they torture her. She was the only person who was left, I cannot watch or stay silent if he starts to torture her. Although, Alice has always told me her father used to beat her up, and that she would take torture for me, but I would never allow something like that to happen to her, not on my behalf. Showing me his phone screen, he opened a chat that said "Scar" and he looked at me smiling while saying "I will send a text to Scar let's see if your phone will buzz, tesoro."

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