Little Angel

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"When do you think he'll wake up?"

"Hmm, children do tend to sleep for a long time; we should let him rest."

"But brother.."

─'Ugh, what is up with these two?!

This is ridiculous! Change of plans: I'LL LEAVE THEM TO DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH! Heh, who told them to disturb my sleep?'

✿ 'Kal, your eyebrows twitched.'

─'So what? It's not like they'll notic-'

"BROTHER, HE'S AWAKE!" With his finger pointed directly at Kal's face, Ian excitedly shouted, his eyes wide with wonder.

Ivan turned, sighing as he cast a brief, almost bored glance at Kal's still form. "He doesn't seem awake to me; it must be your imagination."

Ian frowned, uncertain whether to believe his brother or his own eyes. Ivan wasn't the type to lie, and certainly not the type to joke. But then, he was also notoriously unobservant. "But I saw his eyebrows twitch!" Ian insisted, his voice rising.

Ivan chuckled at his brother's earnestness, his face softening into a rare smile. "Are you certain you saw it? Perhaps we should adjust your blindfold. In any case, it's getting old and should be replaced."

Ian's hand shot to his blindfold-a battered, frayed piece of cloth wrapped around his eyes, looking more like an ancient relic than a piece of equipment.

"That must be it! No way I'm seeing things. IT'S THE BLINDFOLD'S FAULT!" His expression turned hostile as he held the old blindfold, as if it had betrayed him. Ivan's amused smile slowly shifted to a more serious look.

"Cover your eyes."

Ian yelped in surprise and instantly covered his eyes with the blindfold, worried that his brother was going to lecture him about it again.

Ivan gently adjusted the cloth, easing the tension with a smile. "We should go and replace them right away, don't you think? "

"Right now? But what about Kallous?" Totally tossing out any ill intention he previously had towards the blindfold, Ian didn't forget the main reason as to why he came to Kal's side of the room.

"Was that his name? Quite fitting if I dare say. Hmm, how about we get him something from the market instead of waking him so early in the morning? I hear he's a fan of freshly baked cookies." Ivan's tone was light, teasing, but there was a thoughtful edge to his eyes.

Ian blinked, then brightened. "Cookies? Really?" The idea of a treat seemed to spark a light in him, his earlier frustration forgotten.

"Yes, cookies. I'm sure he'd be happy to receive a gift from his new friend," Ivan added warmly.

"Friend..." Ian whispered, as if testing the word on his tongue.

Ivan kept his eyes on Ian, smiling as he nudged. "Don't you agree, Ian?"

Ian glanced at Kal's sleeping profile as if he wanted to confirm something. His frown easing into a small, hopeful smile. "En! We are going to be the best of friends!"

Ivan chuckled softly at his brother's enthusiasm. Though he didn't trust Kallous, not in the slightest, he could understand Ian's excitement about the idea of friendship. As long as nothing bad happened, he would allow Ian this brief phase of naivety until he grows tired of it.

Suddenly, Ian's excitement spiked again. "Ivan! What are you still standing there for? We have to head out now before the witch and her minions notice anything. Let's go!!"

He hooked his arms through Ivan's, who found himself dragged by his brother, and was out of the room like a bullet, heading off to the town centre.

Inside Kallous' room, Allyn had been silently monitoring the situation, ready to intervene if necessary. She fluttered around Kal in tight circles, tiny blue stars trailing in her wake.

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