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Kal's radiant, eye-catching smile graced his face as he held the potion-filled glass, disguised as freshly squeezed orange juice. His silver eyes gleamed with practiced innocence, even though his mind was flooded with Allyn's frantic warnings.

✿ 'Kal, don't drink it! I'm serious, don't—'

Even as Allyn bombarded him with alerts, Kal kept his expression soft and childlike, sitting opposite Simon, who sipped from his own glass, clearly pleased with himself.

─'Allyn,' Kal spoke through their link, his mental voice calm. 'Relax. I'm not an idiot. I won't drink this. Just calm down.'

Allyn hesitated before finally letting out a sigh, her anxious energy dissipating.

✿ 'I'm sorry. Should've known better than to freak out.' she mumbled, embarrassed. Gaining back her composure, she floated down to rest gently on Kal's head, her form a small, glowing sphere.

─'It's fine,' Kal reassured her, a playful glint in his eyes. 'Now, help me switch these drinks while I distract this fool.' Setting down the book he was holding, Kal shifted in his chair, his delicate features catching the light as he tucked a stray strand of blue hair behind his ear.

The movement had the intended effect. Simon's eyes immediately dropped to the boy's face, and for a brief moment, his gaze lingered too long, taking in his appearance as his imagination ran wild, conjuring up images that weren't family friendly.

'Creep.' Kal thought, his pleasant smile never faltering. Keeping Simon's attention locked on him, Kal gave Allyn the cue. 

With practiced speed, Allyn discreetly swapped the drinks between them, her soft light swirling in a gentle circle around Simon to check for hidden weapons. She hovered near his sleeves, ready to detect any hidden blades or threats.

Kal raised the glass to his lips, pausing just long enough for Simon to notice. His innocent smile stayed in place as he brought the rim to his mouth and pretended to drink, tipping the glass just so. He swallowed audibly and set the empty glass down, catching Simon's flushed gaze with a practiced look of innocence.

Simon, clearly entranced, had also taken a sip from his own glass, draining it halfway. He smiled down at Kal, his cheeks slightly pink from the effect of the potion and... something else.

"Thank you, I feel refreshed now." Kal thanked with a fake smile, though he truly hated the taste.

Simon, still grinning like a fool, nodded. "Glad to be of service, young knowledge seeker." 

Satisfied, Simon finished the rest of his drink, setting the empty glass down before standing up—only to stumble. A wave of dizziness hit him, and he collapsed back into his chair, his face contorted in confusion.

"Oh, and—" Simon tried to speak, but his voice slurred as his limbs grew heavy. His head spun, and he struggled to make sense of the situation. The child across from him—this sweet-looking boy with bright silver eyes—had suddenly shifted. The smile had vanished from Kal's face, replaced by a cold stare that sent a shiver down Simon's spine.

'What... is happening? Why do I... feel like this?' Simon's mind raced as he tried to piece together what had gone wrong. He glanced at the glass in his hand, his eyes widening in sudden realization. 'The potion... I must've... taken the wrong glass! But... how? I was sure I—'

The answer came in the form of Kal's soft voice.

"—Simon," Hearing his name in that cold, quiet tone forced Simon to meet the boy's gaze. His heart pounded in his chest as the truth dawned on him—he had grossly underestimated his prey. 

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