Kal's gift

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A/N : This chapter may include some disturbing unshiny stuff but its only for a short time.

"Good morning, sweethearts. Are you ready for today's event?"

Kal stared at Lucy, utterly baffled, while the room erupted in cheers from the other children. Her words felt like a missing chapter in his own story. 

Even though he had written the novel himself, it wasn't unusual for him to forget minor details—especially those penned long ago. This was why Kal relied on Allyn to jog his memory. She had access to his past thoughts and memories for exactly this purpose.

─'Did this ever happen in the novel? Got any ideas?' He questioned Allyn, hoping for some clarity on this unexpected twist.

✿'I'm as lost as you are. From what I've seen in your memories, not much is mentioned about the events that happened here before the incident' Allyn replied, frustration creeping into her usually cheerful tone.

She was supposed to be his guide, the one who could fill in the blanks when needed. 

Right now, She felt...useless.

─'Nothing we can do about it then. Try to spy on them and see what they're planning. I'll stay here and fish for information.'

As per his 'order', Allyn quickly went to spy on the old hags. Meanwhile, Kal stayed put, keenly observing his surroundings.

Ian noticed the change in Kal's usually calm expression and quickly moved closer, eager to show how reliable he could be to his new friend. 

"Did something happen? Did someone dare bother you? Just tell me, and I'll send them to the afterlife!" he blurted out, his face a mixture of worry and not-so-hidden murderous intent.

Ian tried to get answers from the innocent and not so innocent Kallous, only to be rendered speechless when he heard his response.

Kal blinked at him, feigning innocence. "Afterlife? Watz dat? Can I eat it?"

Ivan, calmly sipping his favorite strawberry juice, nearly choked. Kal's response caught him so off-guard that he could only watch as his brother, Ian, sat there looking as pale as if he'd seen a ghost.

Kal watched their reactions, his lips curling into a smile that quickly turned into a full-on laugh. The sound drew the attention of nearby children and staff, curious eyes turned their way, wondering what could be so amusing.

Across the hall, Cian had been watching Kal ever since he noticed the boy earlier. Seeing how friendly Kal was with the notorious demon twins made his expression darken.

After some thought, he decided to approach. Kallous had to have missed him—surely. With a hum of contentment, he made his way over to Kal, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Missed me?" Cian's scarred face twisted into what he believed was a friendly grin. He mistook Kal's lack of a hostile response as silent approval, and his grip tightened, pressing down gently on the boy's shoulder.

Ian, who saw himself as Kal's best friend and had grown quite attached to the deceptively innocent kid, did not like how close Cian had gotten. Too close. And he was touching Kal's back—freely!

Ivan noticed his brother's reaction and held him back with a look. He didn't particularly care about Kal, but if his brother got involved, that was another matter entirely. Besides, he had a hunch about Kal—no one that seemed so 'pure' could have such a dark shadow hovering over them.

Kal, wearing a pure, innocent expression that seemed to blind Cian with its brilliance, stepped back from the man's touch in a polite yet unmistakable retreat. "Who are you again?"

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