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In a spacious room for three young kids, the demon twins sat silently, their gazes locked onto Kallous. The air between them was thick, heavy with unspoken words and tension make the first move.

Ian, trying to ignore the suffocating silence that had risen, kept his eyes on his brother, who hadn't stopped watching Kallous. His breath caught in his throat as he noticed the gleam in Ivan's eyes-an unsettling mix of excitement and...was that worry?

'He looks...excited' Ian mused, his thoughts swimming through the uneasy quiet. The flicker of unease in his brother's gaze, usually so composed and steady, sent a shiver down Ian's spine.

Ian held special feelings for his brother. His twin was always there for him, he was his guide, his protec tor-more of a parent than anyone else ever was. Reliable, kind, calm in the face of danger-Ivan was everything Ian aspired to be.

To Ian, his brother wasn't just family; he was an idol, a figure who always wore a smile for him, who had never once abandoned him, even in their most desperate moments. They had endured so much together, played games that weren't just for fun but for survival.

Playing a game of hide and seek to save their lives.

Though they were twins, subtle differences set them apart. Their faces were almost mirror images, but the distinctions were there for those who looked closely.

Ian's hair, a soft shade of pink like spun cotton candy, contrasted sharply with Ivan's long, flowing locks of pristine white. Ivan's hair was ethereal, like freshly fallen snow or the wispy clouds Ian loved to watch float lazily across the sky Ian.

It was Ian's favourite colour.

One time, Ian complimented his brother's hair, comparing it to clouds, unlike his own hair.

Ivan had smiled, that reassuring, gentle smile that made Ian feel safe. He had patted Ian's head and said, "Clouds come in different shapes and colours, but that doesn't mean they aren't one the same. So stop having those weird thoughts..

We are twins, even a blind person sees it."

Ever since then, he had grown to adore the colour of his hair and had even began to take better care of it after noticing that his brother enjoys messing with it.

Personality wise though... they were like heaven and earth.

Ivan was the observer, the silent sentinel who rarely spoke, his thoughts always a mystery. Ian liked to imagine that during those quiet moments, his brother was thinking of him.

Ivan's laughter was a rare sound, reserved only for Ian. His emotions were kept tightly locked away, except when it came to his younger twin.

Ian knew all that.

Which is why, right now, as he watched his brother's eyes flicker with something he couldn't quite identify as he studied Kallous, Ian felt like he had witnessed a miracle.

The little demon was quite thankful that only he could see his brother's change. But also worried that this would disappear once Ivan faces reality.

He had a hunch, a faint guess at the reason behind Ivan's heightened expectations. Ian wasn't the brightest, but he wasn't clueless either. The realization made his stomach knot with dread.

Slowly, almost instinctively, the little demon inched closer to his brother, his body moving of its own accord. He wanted to be there, to offer support, when Kallous inevitably let them down. His fingers brushed against the fabric of his brother's sleeve, a silent gesture of comfort.

Meanwhile, perched atop Kallous's head like a mischievous star, Allyn was oblivious to the twin's tension. Her focus was entirely on Kallous, her small form vibrating with excitement.

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