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The morning light filtered through the curtains of the dormitory room, casting a warm glow over the rows of bunk beds. Kallous lay motionless, eyes half-lidded, allowing himself to savor the last moments of peace before the inevitable chaos of the day. It was Friday-not as bad as Monday, but still far from pleasant.

'Maybe if I just don't move, the day will pass without me,' he thought, his usual distaste for the world's relentless demands gnawing at him. He heard a soft sound, followed by the all-too-shiny voice of his starlight.

✿'Rise and shine, Kal,' Allyn's soothing voice greeted him, its holographic round form hovering beside the bed. 'Another bright day ahead (o^▽^o)♪.'

Kal groaned, reaching out to swat at the air where her form floated. "Your enthusiasm is exhausting."

✿'Oh, you love it~!' Allyn beamed, following him as he dragged himself out of bed. 'Ian and Ivan are already up. You wouldn't want them to have all the fun without you!'

"Yes, 'fun' is exactly how I'd describe this place," Kal muttered, grabbing his towel as he headed for the showers. "Fun for a prison warden, maybe."

The room was sparsely furnished-bunk beds crammed together like soldiers in formation. Ian and Ivan's corner, mosrly Ian's side, as always, looked like it had been hit by a hurricane of belongings: clothes strewn everywhere, an empty plate with crumbs on it shoved under the bed. The disarray was somehow comforting to Kal, a contrast to the orphanage's sterile atmosphere.

He grabbed his towel and trudged toward the communal showers, Allyn following him like an overly enthusiastic puppy.

✿'You know, Kal, if you'd just wake up earlier, you could avoid the rush,' Allyn chirped helpfully.

'If you'd just let me sleep longer, I'd avoid you,' he thought bitterly but kept that one to himself. Instead, he gave a half-hearted wave to dismiss her before stepping into the shower, letting the warm water wash over him, dragging him into reluctant wakefulness. 'Another day in paradise.'

He could already hear the familiar sounds of morning chatter echoing through the corridors. Ian and Ivan, the twins who had become his closest companions and friends since his arrival at the orphanage, were likely already awake and causing mischief of their own.

Most likely Ian-

By the time he returned, towel slung lazily over his shoulder, Ian was perched on his bed, grinning like a cat who'd swallowed a particularly annoying bird. His eyes, though he could hardly see them thanks to the silk covering them, twinkled with their usual mischief, but today there was an added layer of excitement that practically radiated from him.

"Mornin', Kal!" Ian greeted, waving a plate of cookies at him with theatrical flair. "Ivan's been at it again. I'm starting to think he's trying to fatten us up for some sinister plot."

Ivan, sitting cross-legged on the floor, was polishing his boots with intense focus. Without looking up, he shot back, "If I was trying to kill you, brother, you'd know."

Kal smirked as he accepted a cookie from Ian, the warmth of the treat wafting up to him. "And what's the excuse this time? You only bake when you're bored or nervous."

Ivan shrugged, still focused on his boots. "Just thought it'd be nice." His voice was calm, but Kal didn't miss the way his hands moved a little faster than usual. The twins always got jumpy before these 'assemblies.'

Ian leaned in closer, lowering his voice dramatically. "Today is the day, isn't it?"

Kal rolled his eyes. "Yes, because what this orphanage needs is more chaos," He said dryly, though he appreciated the distraction. He took a bite of the cookie-sweet, soft, and perfect. Ivan never disappointed with his baking.

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