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『 ???'s POV 』

Ian's heart pounded in his chest as the maids led him away from his twin. With each step, he felt the protective presence of Ivan fade, leaving him vulnerable and exposed. The corridor stretched endlessly, the walls pressing in like a sinister embrace. He clenched his fists, trying to quell the rising tide of fear that threatened to drown him.

This will be the first time he separated from his brother for only stars know how long.

The maids led him to a door at the end of the hallway. It creaked open, revealing a dimly lit room. A tall man stood in the center, his back to Ian. The man turned slowly, a welcoming smile on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Welcome, Ian," the man said, his voice smooth and calculated. "My name is Mr. lockwood. I will be overseeing your... training."

Ian mind was racing. He remembered Kal's instructions: Don't resist, don't draw attention. But if they lay a hand on you...

Mr. Lockwood's smile widened, his eyes glinting with a hint of something sinister. "Good. It's important that we establish trust from the beginning," he said, stepping closer to Ian. "You'll find that cooperation will make this process much easier for you."

Ian's instincts screamed at him to flee, to go find his twin, but he stood his ground, his gaze unwavering. "What kind of training?" he asked, his voice edged with suspicion.

Mr. Lockwood's smile grew, a predatory glint in his eyes. "A very special kind of training, Ian. One that will unlock your true potential."

Ian's skin prickled with unease. "And what does that mean, exactly?"

Mr. Lockwood chuckled, a sound that sent chills down Ian's spine. "You'll see soon enough," he replied cryptically. "For now, all you need to do is follow instructions and trust that we have your best interests at heart."

Ian's fists clenched tighter, his mind racing with thoughts of escape and resistance. But he knew Kal's warning was still relevant. He needed to bide his time, gather information, and find a way to reunite with Ivan.

Mr. Lockwood gestured to a chair in the center of the room. "Please, have a seat. We'll begin shortly."

Reluctantly, Ian moved to the chair and sat down, his muscles tensed and ready to spring into action if needed. Mr. Lockwood moved to a table against the wall and began preparing something out of Ian's line of sight.

"So, Ian," Mr. Lockwood began, his tone conversational, "tell me about your relationship with your brother."

Ian's eyes narrowed. "Why do you want to know?"

Mr. Lockwood turned, holding a small vial filled with a dark liquid. "Understanding the bond between you and your brother is crucial to our training process," he explained, his tone almost too pleasant. "It helps us tailor the program to your specific needs."

Ian's mind flashed back to the conversation with Kal and Ivan. They had to stay strong, stay united, no matter what. "Ivan and I are close," he said carefully. "We've always looked out for each other."

Mr. Lockwood nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer. "Good, good. Now, let's see how strong that bond really is."

He stepped closer, holding the vial up to the light. "This will help you unlock parts of your mind you never knew existed," he explained. "It will bring clarity, strength, and a deeper understanding of yourself."

Ian's instincts screamed at him to run, but he forced himself to stay seated. "What is it?" he asked, his voice tight.

Mr. Lockwood's smile was almost kind. "Think of it as a key," he said, his voice soothing. "A key to unlock your true potential."

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