Chapter 40

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Author's POV

"The next Emperor of the Sethupathi Empire is destined to be stronger and more formidable, with a reign that will be long and significant, Arasiyare... however,"

The Royal Astrologer hesitated to proceed, yet Queen Alarmelu's patience was wearing thin.

"However what? Jothidare, Don't conceal anything say it "

She demanded, The astrologer gulped 

"According to our Emperor's horoscope, it is predicted that he will have two sons who will excel in all aspects and share a bond as close as that of Ram and Lakshman. However by your horoscope ?"

He paused and met the Queen's expectant gaze, knowing well that his forthcoming words would bear no fruit for her.

"You may have a son, but he shall not ascend to the throne as emperor."

"What are you babbling, Jothidare? Remember, you are addressing the Queen of the Sethupathi Empire, Rani Alarmelu Nachiyar."

Radhai, the Queen's head maid, became angry upon hearing his words and taunted him, 

But the Queen was silently contemplating his words took a deep breath and asked 

"Then which women will give birth to the Emperor?  where can I find her?"

Queen Alarmelu asked impatiently 

"Arasiyare, why do you believe his words and take them seriously? You know well how much our Emperor loves you, he would never allow another woman in his life besides you. So, disregard this person's  words... Jothidare, your service is sufficient. please leave immediately."

Radhai expressed to the Royal Astrologer her displeasure with the Queen's words and the direction of their conversation. She could not bear to watch her Queen, and best friend, willingly choose a path of suffering and pain under the guise of being the noblest ruler for her subjects.

"Radhai!!!!! You leave from here first "

With a displeased face, Radhai bowed and left as Queen Alarmelu had ordered, she could not disobey the queen.

"You may speak now, Jodhidare... Where can I find the girl who will bring fortune to the Sethupathi empire by giving birth to its next Emperor?"

Queen Alarmelu asked again..

"I could not proclaim that, Arasiyare... What I envision is that you will be the one to find and bring that girl to this empire... and it is you who will shape the next emperor..."

Queen Alarmelu, deep in her profound contemplations, remained silent as the Royal Astrologer bowed before her. she nodded her head lightly the astrologer quietly withdrew.

Queen Alarmelu is now mother of 3 daughters, Mathiyazhini, Kollavizhi , Bothambal the last one who is just an year old,

When Ellalar married her, she was 16 and he was 18. Now, after ten years of marriage, they have witnessed numerous changes. The Emperor faced many internal conflicts due to his parents' negligence, as well as a significant war that lasted four years, which Ellalar ultimately won.

When he departed for the war, his firstborn, Princess Mathiyazhini, was merely a month-old infant. He entrusted the empire's responsibilities to his wife, Queen Alarmelu Nachiyar, who fulfilled them to the fullest extent. She was an adept administrator, skilled in the art of political strategy to triumph in internal affairs.

She now feels guilty for having left Princess Mathiyazhini at the palace most of the time, where she had to address the issues in person during those hectic years. so the first Princess was most influenced by her grand mother , Mangaiyarkarasi.

Magaiyarkarasi has already instilled venom and selfishness in the young princess's heart. She is selfish but lacks ambition and the courage to fight for her desires. Kozhavizhi, on the other hand, is naive and innocent, even the slightest noises frighten her due to her timidity.

When Queen Alarmelu welcomed her third daughter, concerns for the empire's future weighed heavily on her mind. She had attempted to mold her first two daughters into strong rulers, but they favored comfort over duty. Disheartened by the state of the empire and the preference for princes in all provinces, she felt hopeless about her youngest daughter's prospects. A marital alliance seemed futile, not just for a mere province, but for the kingdom that no longer valued princesses as potential queens and the 3  Princess of Sethupathi empire is not that much strong to become an Administrator......

The quest for an heir is underway. Indeed, Emperor Ellalan Sethupathi was a formidable ruler, but the question remains: who will succeed him, fill his shoes, and carry on the legacy?...

Queen Alarmelu is tasked with protecting the efforts she and the emperor have invested in rebuilding their divided empire. The vanquished king is certain to attempt a comeback, and numerous contenders are waiting for the Sethupathi empire's downfall to seize the throne.

Queen Alarmelu would not allow them an easy victory. She was never opposed to the concept of remarriage, especially after marrying the crown prince, as she was well aware of the realities. Despite any attempts at selfishness, she could not succeed; her upbringing ensured that her people and their welfare always came before her own desires. She has convinced herself that the love she received from her husband is sufficient to sustain her for a lifetime, cherishing the memories until her last breath.

She reconciled with the idea of her husband marrying again, but before discussing it with him, she wanted to settle some issues. Her strong belief in astrology and horoscopes, reinforced by many precise predictions in her life, was at the forefront. A Yogi had once blessed her, foretelling that she would rise to be the empire's greatest Queen, but not without facing considerable challenges....

The astrologer's words fortified her resolve; now she faced the colossal task of convincing the Emperor, who would surely disagree, and then finding the ideal Queen Mother for the empire. Indeed, she had already prepared herself to relinquish her power and authority as Queen once the heir was born.

In stark contrast to her, the emperor was content with his three daughters and focused on bolstering military power, developing the navy, and expanding exports. His eight sisters had been married off to various provinces to maintain relationships and alliances.

He is conscious of his wife's intentions and is certainly not pleased with them. He is simply waiting for her to bring up the matter, at which point he will immediately express his disagreement.

Both were attending to different plans, unaware of the complexities and the storm that awaited them.

Author's Note

Hello People...

okay get ready with the tissues people....

Happy Reading 📖📖📖📖

Thank you❤️❤️❤️❤️

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