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'It's been 2 weeks now. Rose is not talking to me as she was before. It feels like she's depressed because of something, and it all started after I saw her outside of party hall.

' Aiden was in a confused state as he was thinking, did he do something to make her like that, or is it something else , Rex was trying to make him calm down but even his suspect grew seeing how Rose is acting different,  she seems depressed in classes skipping lunch, even asking g her is useless , she's just changing the topic whenever anyone asked about it . As the classes went by, Rose was trying to look normal but wasn't working .
As days went by, it was summer holidays, and Aidens parents planned for a beach vacation. Aiden is a beach guy , and from a young age, he would often go there to relax and calm his mind down. But his worry for Rose was still there. Before coming to the beach, Rex strictly told Aiden ' see your going on a trip, so don't think of her and enjoy it, or else your hair will fall out , Taking  too much will make you go bald and no girl will marry you ' Rex told in a humorous voice .

Yea yea I know I'll enjoy my trip and you enjoy with your girlfriend.  Aiden was fixed and not to think of Rose,  as evening came. Aiden told his parents his gonna take a stroll on the beach , peaceful ocean noise , waves crashing on the shore , pleasant smell. Aiden was happily enjoying it .
As we were about to go back to the room, he got a call from Rose , 'Hey Rose, how are you ' , Rose started to speak, and it felt she was crying " Rose Rose OK calm down and tell me what happened,  why are you crying all of sudden ". Rose's voice started to calm down and told Aiden,

" Aiden, I am sorry I left you that day without letting you know . You see, I was bringing some drinks for us and I met Isaac he told me to come out of the hall as it's crowded,  I went with him and we stopped behind our college building and he started to bad talk about you " roses voice again started to feel heavy and sad , Hey Hey it's fine he just insulted me not you .
Rose continued saying,' I defended you, and after that, he proposed to me,' hearing that Aidens' heart dropped silent ,'but I rejected his proposal as I only saw him as a friend and nothing more, he just stood there and said that I am just like other girls only going for looks and nothing else .'
Aiden got furious and told Rose that I am coming back in 2 days, and we would talk peacefully together.  Hearing this, Rose got calm and said, "Thank you, Aiden, for being there for me .

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