Good job Aiden

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It's been a month. Aiden is in Berlin working on his project, working hard every day and making  time to be with Rose . In this month, Aiden noticed how Ali and Rose had gotten close , it didn't bother much but had a little jealousy had been awakened with few investigating he finds out ali alreadyhas a girlfriend of 3 years , with this Aiden was kinda relieved and concentrated on his work ,
as he goes for work, he enters his boss cabin to give his weekly report
" well done Aiden I am quite impressed with your work here I'll give an update to your boss in Texas about your hardwork here " Aiden with joy goes back to work , as he's looking out he daydreams about how he will celebrate it with Rose. After lunch, the aidens' manager tells his team that a customer is going to come to the office , Aiden gets a special role to present the presentation in front of the customer.

Around 4 in the afternoon, the customer comes, and it's none other than Ail and Rose who are there for having a deal with the aidens company.  It was an unexpected surprise for Aiden, but he didn't let his cool down . Without hesitation, he presented his work in a flawless way and appreciated it by Ail and Rose and his team. After coming home, Rose greets Aiden with a tight hug on how good he did on his work ,
" damn Aiden didn't know you could do something like this so flawlessly . Ail comes out of his seeing Aiden. " Good job Aiden, thanks to you, our company is ready to deal with your company." Ail with a good mood brings drinks for everyone and had a blast night . It was 10 o'clock at night. Aiden got a call from his boss, whose in Texas said, " Hey Aiden, just heard that you cracked a big deal with one of the companies we were trying for a long time now , good good job Aiden proud of you. Looks like your job there is done. How about coming back in like a week or so ? Let me know, and I'll book a flight for you.

" Hearing this, Aiden is lost in his thoughts,  as he thought he still had another month to spend with Rose, but looks like not anymore . Aiden approaches Rose, telling this happy yet sad news. Aiden makes Rose sit on bed as he says, " Rose, I want you to be strong what I am about to say , I have to go back to Texas next week,  my work here is done and my boss is happy with the out come and wants me come back there to celebrate ";

Rose with brave heart says

" well I knew this was coming one day or other but not today, Aiden thanks to you I came to berlin have a really good job , good friends everything all because of you so I guess you have to go and its few years ill be coming to visit you as well "

Aiden could hear the sadness in Rose's voice, and without hesitation, he hugged Rose as she cried in his arms.

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