Chapter 1

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The wind ripped through the trees as I pulled my blanket tighter around me. The temperature was just beginning to drop, but still, I kept the window open. Something in the darkening night called to me as candles littered my room - on shelves, ledges, and tables. It was almost like I knew something was coming, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

I'd been having dreams for weeks that seemed to slip from my grasp every morning with the rising sun. Yet each night, they pulled me deep, causing me to toss and turn, the sheets pulling from my bed as I fought with the thoughts that stalked me. It always happened, every year just before Samhain I found myself becoming restless, haunted by elusive thoughts and intuitions.

Streaks of lightning flashed across the sky and my little house shook as the thunder clapped. In an instant, the rain began to pound against the house and I fought the curtain to pull the old wooden frames closed. Still holding my blanket around me, I pulled my feet up and burrowed down into the chair as my cat, Gypsy, jumped in my lap. She curled up on my chest, purring contentedly as I watched the spectacular show nature performed out my windows.


"Shit," I groaned as I tried to untangle from the blanket. I'd fallen asleep in the chair and had a horrible crick in my neck. Glancing at the clock, I facepalmed myself. There's no way I'd make it to town in time. Heck, the way that rain came down last night, it will be a miracle if the road isn't covered. After a quick shower and glass of juice, I threw on my coat and headed for my old pickup truck. I made it to the low-water bridge and stopped for a few moments. The water was low enough to get across, but coming home might be another story. Good thing I'd put out extra food and water for Gyps. She might be flying solo tonight.

Twenty minutes later I pulled up in front of the store. Mr. Miller nodded to me as I came in. "Hey Gray, how're the roads up your way? Bucks Bridge got washed out completely past old lady Wiler's place. Folks gotta take the highway for a bit," he informed me.

"Oh wow, George, that's not good. Is Widow Wilers alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah, she's just riled up about her chickens. Guess a few got out in the storm and foxes got 'em," he mused.

"Ah. Well, the low water will flood if we get any more weather today. I figure I'll get a room at Carla's if that happens for a day or two," I told him. "So where do you want me to start today?"

He motioned to the back room. "Might want to check the shingles. I'm sure we lost a few in that wind. Just watch that you don't slip, Gray."

I nodded and headed for the ladder and my tool belt. I pulled out my stocking cap and twirled my hair in a bun, I tucked it inside the cap as I pulled on my gloves and climbed onto the old roof. The sun had gotten fairly high by the time I'd finished the eastern side of the roofline. I glanced up and frowned as I saw the clouds rolling in again. Shimming down the other side, I did my best to find the worst spots and patch them before heading back inside. I'd just put the ladder away when I heard George holler from the register.

"Hey Gray, do you know how to get to that hardware store in Benton?"

Pulling off my gloves, I walked out of the backroom, not even looking up as I answered him, "Why the hell do you need a hardware store? I've probably got just about any tool you'd need, George."

"How about 6 point sockets?" a deep voice asked.

I looked up to see two large men standing at the counter as George smirked at me from behind them. "These gents are having problems with their Jeep. I don't sell everything they need so I was trying to get to that big hardware store. But with the bridge out, I don't know the best route," George said with a twinkle in his eyes.

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