Chapter 27

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"Hey, uh, are you guys still there?" Victor's voice crackled over the radio.

"Yeah, we're here. What's up?" Kota answered.

"I'm not entirely sure, but it seems like Gabe, Gray, and Silas are...well, they seem to have remembered each other." He made a choking sound, then a slight groan, "Oh, fuck me...they're, um...having sex."

"What!" I yelled, running toward Kota as if I were going to see something on the radio. "What do you mean they're having sex?"

Victor explained what he had seen leading up to the now full-blown sex session. "I wish I could hear what they're saying, or at least read fucking lips better."

Kota snorted, "Yeah, too bad both Nate and Luke are in the damn spell. So wait, if the three of them know each other, do the others? Or are they just hooking up in the spell?"

I groaned, "For once, I'd like to just get a straight fucking answer." I leaned against the door and yelped when it fell open. "What the...?" Kota gaped, then began grabbing all the journals we had found and shoved them in my arms as he grabbed more books and we both made a dash for the door, running down the hill like madmen. I could hear Victor's voice as we ran still coming through the radio as Kota yelled at him to get ready for us. I just hoped we made it before the spell locked us up again.


I felt so safe between them, all of my worries slipping away just as our clothes had. I sat straddling Gabriel's lap as his cock was buried deep inside of me. Silas nibbled on my neck as his cock began to press into the tight rim of my ass. I let out a soft cry that was quickly silenced by Gabriel's lips. Our bodies moved in tandem as they pulled me higher and higher. "That's it, cum for us, our love," Silas purred against my ear. His rough hands kneaded my breasts as I cried out my release. Both men quickly followed, filling me. My body sagged as they cradled me, still covering me in kisses.

Quiet tears slipped from my eyes. "I'm so scared I'm going to forget again," I whispered.

Gabriel cupped my face, "You will, but not forever. If I'm correct in my theory, I think we all have to be inside the spell to really break it for good. I just can't figure out how you keep separating your soul."

"What if she isn't doing it?" Silas suggested as he slid from inside me. "What if her powers let her pull people in, but since she won't use them, her father and Reid found some way to trap her and use her?"

"Damn, that makes sense. Owen had mentioned the cat having nine lives and Reid referenced that. What if they keep putting your soul into the cat to craft their spell worlds? Once they get whatever they want, they kill the cat - hence a life?"

"How many lives do I even have left?" I gaped, trying to make sense of all of this.

Gabriel frowned and spoke in a low whisper, "This is the last one, sweetheart. From what I've been able to figure out, Reid or your father have done this spell eight times before, the last being the one we broke. Maybe that's how your soul returned to the cat."

I could feel myself shaking as their arms embraced me tighter, but I pushed through the fear. I needed answers. It wasn't just my life on the line, but theirs, and I'll be damned if those bastards hurt these men. "We know my father wants me to embrace my powers and Reid said he wanted an heir, but if I'm not carrying his son, then what can he gain?"

"The power of nine sylphs from each of the five elements," Silas groaned, slapping his hand to his forehead. "Fuck, why didn't we think about that. He's known she was our bond the entire time. He's been running through her lives until we were all together and he could use her to pull us in." My heart sank. "Don't," Silas said as he lifted my chin. "This isn't your fault and even if I knew what he was planning, I would still have saved you, still have claimed you. I love you, Gray."

The tears I'd fought now poured down my cheeks as I clung to them both. "I won't let him have you," I croaked. "Any of you," I added as I wrapped a protective arm around my belly. I turned to Gabriel. "If we slip back, then you have to remember to tell the others to find my journals. There is a spell in the silver journal with a triquetra on the cover. It will stand out from the others. I may have done a lot of doodling inside the covers," I chuckled, my cheeks blushing. "Pressed inside are two nightshade blooms. Use them with the spell to create a containment around my cabin. Find a way to get the cat, well me when I'm in the cat back there, even if it's in the dream spell. You have to separate me and the cat without killing her."

"Can we cast the spell from inside this spell?" he asked.

I thought for a moment, "I'm not sure. It depends on if the blooms are here already or can be brought into the spell. It's a huge risk."

He nodded, "I know, but I'm not sure how to get the cat out of this reality without killing her. I had no idea she was coming with me when she pulled me in."

"Then let's home one of the guys can pull the blooms in with them when they come," Silas added. He rubbed the side of his head. "I... I think something is shifting again," he groaned. I noticed a pressure building in my head as well.

"Get dressed quickly and separate. The last thing any of us need is a compromised situation that only I understand," Gabe grumbled. We nodded and the guys helped me quickly redress. Silas even handed me the book that I'd fallen trying to reach.

"I love you, Gray," he said softly.

"I love you too, Silas," I said with a quick kiss on his cheek. When I leaned back I stared at him in confusion, then looked down at the book. "Oh, thank you. Guess I shouldn't have tried to reach that alone, huh?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, Anna does things like that too." We both turned toward the hallway where the sound of fading footsteps could be heard.  

Author's Notes:  A few more breadcrumbs of answers, but alas, the spell has resumed.

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