Chapter 15

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I felt like I was losing my mind. Was all of this craziness because of them or me? I mean, nothing like this had happened before I met Silas and North...or was it that I just couldn't remember? What am I, who am I? The way Gabriel freaked out and left so suddenly made me feel even more afraid. Why can't I remember these dreams I keep pulling them into? I kicked a mud clot that splattered across the slick grass. This crazy rain still hadn't stopped and everything was soaked, including me, but I couldn't go back to that house. I felt like I couldn't breathe, they were all watching me like they were waiting for the next session of weirdness.

A soft splash had me turning quickly as I came face to face with a pair of deep brown eyes. I stumbled back in surprise, almost falling to the ground. "Woah, I didn't mean to startle you," Luke said as he reached out for me. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay out here."

I felt the tingles through my coat where his hand held my forearm and fought an urge to hug him. "Thanks, I'm fine. I just needed to clear my head," I told him.

"Can I at least walk with you? I won't talk unless you want me to," he asked. I shrugged my shoulders and we began to walk in silence, only the sounds of our feet on the soaked ground making noise.

After a bit, I asked, "Do you think I'm not real?" Luke gave me a startled look as I continued. "I've been wondering if maybe I'm some kind of leftover memory. It would make sense considering the way I keep jumping into different times. Maybe I'm just a ghost with unfinished business, not your bond after all."

Before I could even realize what he was doing, Luke had me in his arms, his mouth over mine as his hands tangled into my hair and around my back. He was slender but strong. I attempted to break away at first, but then the sweetness of his kiss had me opening my lips for more. I blinked when I noticed the lack of rain hitting my skin. Luke's wings surrounded us as he ran his hands over my face. "You are real, Gray. This is real, and you are ours." I started to open my mouth to argue but found his finger pressing against my lips. "Shh, you aren't going to argue with me. I'm going to prove to you that this is real." His hands flew over my clothing, removing it from my damp skin, and then he removed his clothes. His wings continued to keep the wind and rain shielded from us. With a smirk, he waved his hand slightly and all of the pooled water on the ground suddenly shifted, leaving a plush layer of soft grass. Our eyes never looked away from the other as he laid me down gently, his knees pushing my legs apart. "You are mine, Gray, and I am yours," he said softly as he pressed his length inside me. My fingertips dug into his shoulders as I arched upward, calling out his name. "That's it, baby, don't hold back," Luke groaned.

I screamed as his fangs sank into my skin. My stomach clenched as my orgasm built rapidly. My gums ached. As if he knew, Luke bent my head to the crook of his neck and pressed. I moaned as I greedily bit down on his neck, feeling the rush of his blood filling my mouth. Our pace increased as we raced to our release together. When we pulled back, he had a glazed expression and smirked, "Told you."

I playfully swatted at his chest, "You are completely reckless, you know?"

"Yep, I know," he chuckled, then kissed my nose. He helped me get dressed again, then pulled me close so his wings would still shield us as we walked back to the house together. He slipped his hand in mine and whispered, "You're ours, Gray. We aren't letting you go."

I looked up at him and smiled, "Thank you. I just got in my head and the fear that this - all of us, wasn't real..." My thoughts trailed off, but he quickly planted a kiss on my lips bringing me back.

"We will figure it all out, I promise," he told me.  

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