Chapter 5

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North: Hey, um...we have a small situation here.

Kota: What's up?

North: Silas saved that girl, Gray, from drowning today. She knows about us now.

Kota: Shit. Can he make her forget?

North: Well, I don't think that's gonna happen, I think she's his bond.

Kota: Woah! Are you sure, I mean, that's huge...

North: Yeah. She didn't even blink when he told her. She's completely calm about all of it, and he won't hardly let her out of his sight since they kissed.

Kota: I'll let the others know. Should we head that way?

North: I don't know. Something isn't right here. The way this storm keeps staying is just odd. It should have shifted by now. It's like something is keeping it over this area. We'd been tracking it for a couple hundred miles before it stalled here. Now the town is in danger of flooding from all areas.

Kota: Sounds like we definitely need to come down. I'll get back to you after I fill in the others. Be careful, and tell Silas congrats for me.

North: Will do!

I set my phone down, still staring at the blank screen. "Kota, you okay?" Nate asked as he stepped into the room.

"Huh, oh yeah, well...Silas found his bond," I sputtered.

"No way! That's amazing," Nate beamed. "So why do you seem so bothered?"

"Well, North seems to think the storm they were following is suspicious. It's stalled for far too long over this small town and there is a real flood risk now. It just seems odd that Silas would find his bond in the exact same place. Not to mention she didn't even seem surprised when she found out what he and North are."

"She knows - how?"

"North said there was an accident and she almost drowned. Silas had to reveal himself when he rescued her," I told him. "Something just seems off. We need to tell the others and then I think we need to get down there as quickly as possible."

It only took a few minutes for the remainder of our family to fill the room. "So where's the fucking fire?" Gabe asked, flinging himself into a chair.

I rolled my eyes and began, "Well first I should inform you that it's likely Silas has found his bond." The room filled with comments and rumblings. "However, there's a complication. She knows what he is and the town she's in is where North and Silas are stranded. North thinks the storm isn't natural. We think it would be a good idea for us to head down there."

"Did North give any indications why he thinks the storm isn't natural?" Owen asked. "We can't interfere with a natural disaster, you know that."

I nodded, "I do. North said they'd followed it for a few hundred miles then it stalled over this town. He said it should have shifted based on the winds now, but it's just hovering."

Victor added after tapping on his laptop screen, "He's right. The jet stream should have cleared it out by now, but it's just sitting there. It's like the town has its own personal storm cloud."

"Alright then, gentlemen, looks like we are going on a road trip. Let's take the SUV and both campers. That way we'll have some privacy and a way to get around. Might want to grab North's tools so he can fix his Jeep as well," Owen said and we all began gathering what we needed.

A few hours later we were on the road. I sent out an all group text.

Kota: Hey, wanted to let you both know we are en route to your little town.

North: Thanks man, we can use the help. I hope you brought the campers, I'm not sure we would all fit in this small bed and breakfast inn, LOL

Luke: Do we get to meet the lucky lady?

Silas: Yes - I'll let you all introduce yourselves, but I am going to give her a heads up, if that's okay.

Sean: How much does she know?

Silas: Only that we're sylphs. We haven't had a chance to talk about much else. We've been too busy helping around the town. It's going downhill quickly.

Owen: That might be best until we can figure out what is going on with that storm. We should be there by morning.

North: Thanks again, see you soon guys.


I put my phone back in my pocket and continued filling sandbags with Silas. Clara came out with a thermos and two cups. "Here boys. I thought you might like some coffee. We really appreciate how you've just jumped in and helped us out."

"It's the least we can do," I told her. "You gave us a warm bed and food, we can't just walk away."

"Well we appreciate it," she grinned then looked at Silas, "Seems you've caught our Gracie's eye, young man. Be kind to her. She's a gentle soul, that one."

"I will be ma'am," Silas blushed as he took a drink of the steaming coffee. As if she had heard her name, Gray came out of the house, bundled in her now dry coveralls and standard stocking cap. She gave a shy smile to us as Clara patted her shoulder and headed back inside. "How are you feeling, I psychí mou?" he asked her.

"Better, thank you. I'm heading to the hardware store for some batteries and wicks. Do either of you need anything?" she asked, her body edging closer to Silas almost subconsciously. It was fascinating to watch. They were like two magnets pulling each other closer.

He closed the distance and pressed a kiss to the top of her forehead, making her eyelids flutter. "No, we are okay. Please be safe."

She hummed, "I will be. Don't let Clara work you too hard."

We both watched her walk to her truck and drive off. "You've got it bad," I teased him.

He gave me a grin that almost eclipsed his face, "Yeah, I wish you could feel what it's like. It's like I've found a part of me I didn't even realize I was missing."

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