Chapter 21

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We had made it about halfway up the mountain with the RVs before the road began to give way. The heavy rain had started again and we were finally forced to park and wait until daylight. We sat in the larger trailer looking at the files Victor had managed to find on Gray's mother and her ancestry. There wasn't much other than a few registries with the local church and a ship manifest for her grandparents.

"Woah, look at this," Nate said, pushing his tablet to the center of the table.

" that Clara?" Gray gasped. "She was real?"

Kota hummed as he read the article, "It seems your Father took real people that passed through the area and wove them into the spells. It was probably easier than creating false lives and memories in such a mass number."

"So she was really here at some point, they all were?" Gray asked again, trying to wrap her head around all of it.

"It looks like it," Victor said as he pointed to an obituary of the old widow we had helped rescue along with the shop owner. "Yet somehow, they aren't from the same timelines. That might explain how they had different versions of your near-death experiences."

Gray held her face as she stared at the articles and photos, her lips moving silently. "It's okay, baby, we'll figure it out," I tried comforting her, but she just shook her head.

" you think he trapped them too? Did he kill them, just to create this fucked up game of his?" Her shoulders shook as tears threatened to fall. "Wh...what if he traps all of you too?"

I cupped her face as Silas came to sit behind her, "No one is trapping us, and as far as we can tell, he didn't kill the others. I wish we had all the answers you want, but for now, just trust that we aren't going anywhere without you." Silas wrapped his arms around her waist, placing light kisses along her neck. Her shoulders dropped as her eyes closed. I could see her chest begin to rise and fall more distinctly and leaned forward, letting my hands slide down to her chest. "Let us make you feel better, baby," I murmured as my lips danced along her jaw.

When my fingers tugged at her nipples, she made a soft noise that was a cross between a squeal and a moan. It has all the others shifting and groaning. I captured her breast in my mouth as Silas lifted her blouse. He cradled her neck in his hand as she bent back to kiss him. It felt like a deep vibration passing through us as he lifted her up, centering her over my cock. She was dripping wet as I pushed inside of her, then Silas moved forward, his cock sliding in next to mine as we opened her wide. Gray whined as we began thrusting deeper. Her body shook as we sent her over the edge again and again until we both roared out our release. She gave me a soft smile then, muttered, "Don't leave me," before her head lolled back and she collapsed.

Author's Notes: Darkness is coming, my lovelies...

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