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"can't you just get over it and bone already" chad makes it clear that he doesn't get what the fuss is about, he's completely fed up of this situation.

I roll my eyes, it's easy for him to have sex with people and not let it be a big deal. Ludo is my best friend and bigger than that was my husbands best friend. I still find the whole situation too strange, it's a lot to process.

"You changed that boy" Maggie tells me, I'm worried she's going to list all the negative impacts I have had on his life.

"Before he met you he was a mess, drink until he didn't know his name, sleep with random girls and had no aspirations other than to party. When you came into his life he knew you were better than that you deserved better so he became better"

"Do you know how you ended up in Vegas that first time" Chad Asks. Ark had not contacted me in weeks and just turned up out of the blue and insisted I spent spring break with him in Vegas.

Chad tells me before I can ask " ludo had asked about you every day, asked if ark had called you, asked for your number so he could call you. In the end he held ark up by  by his neck and accused him of being a selfish asshole, told him you would be wasting your time waiting for him when you could be with someone who wanted to spend time with you"

"Ark saw red, they had a huge argument. He knew even then that ludo was interested in you but didn't know how deep the feelings ran" Maggie adds.

"The day ark left to bring you to Vegas was hard on ludo, he was excited to see you but then felt like if he hadn't pushed so hard you and Ark would go your separate ways and he would stand a chance"

"I knew he cared for me but I always assumed he saw me as his little sister, I really didn't know this" It feels like I'm seeing my life again through third party eyes. I remember the times he would cuddle me and hold me close, the times he soothed me when I was sick. We had been so close, I had showeted him with affection, I can't imagine how hard that would have been for him now I know his feelings towards me.

"Something could be there, if I were you I would take the lead and ask him out" Maggie whispers as ludo joins the table. He sits as far away from me as possible, he doesn't even look at me.

"Ludo we need to speak" the whole table discreetly looks at us.

"What about, I've said all I plan to say" he's surly, this isn't the man I know.

"Outside now" I storm towards the doors and hope he's following me. The club is full of prying eyes and loose lipped reporters so I head outside. It's cool and there's that fresh smell in the air, the smell you only get before a big storm.

I hear the door slam behind me "what's so important"

I need to do it now before I list the pros and cons and talk myself out of it. I turn and take him in, could there really be more than friendship between us.

I walk over to him in my heeled boots, I'm almost at his level but not quite. I stand so close that I can feel his breath on my head. I can hear our hearts beating, I'm nervous but so is he.

"What are you doing" his voice wobbles.

"I'm going to kiss you"


"If your right and there's more here than friendship I want to explore it but I don't want to lose you if there's no spark'

"Oh Ro I promise sparks will be flying"

I look into his clear blue eyes and see longing, I hope this isn't a huge mistake.

I lean forward and he meets me half way. His lips are firm,but the kiss is gentle, sweet even. It's nice. Fire quickly builds and his hands reach my bottom, he pulls me up so I'm wrapped around his waist. I throw my arms around his neck as I lose myself in the kiss, my whole body feels wet. He was right, there are sparks. I'm scared we will set alight. Finally he moves his head away leaving me wanting more. I suddenly realise why my body is wet, the rain has started. Water pours heavily on us, ludo looks like a drowned rat, I'm sure I look worse.

"You felt them right" he asks referring to the sparks. He lowers me to the ground and searches my eyes, he looks at me like his happiness is based entirely on my answer.

I can only nod, a huge smile covers his face. The smile is infectious, I find myself smiling like an idiot.

"You can take me on a date and we will take it from there"

Ludo smirks before shaking his wet hair, "ill call you, does the three day rule still apply"

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