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"it's new" I tell him, I know he's looking at the bed. I know what he's thinking, I didn't want to have sex in the bed I had shared with Ark, I didn't even want to sleep in it.

"So now we're having sleepovers does that mean we're exclusive" he asks as he slips into the bed.

I shrug, I tap my chin and try to act like I'm thinking about it. He pulls me on to his lap and tickles me roughly before kissing me.

"I guess so but I still want to take it slow and not announce it"I finally reply.

He pins me down and kisses me again, when his lips head down I'm pleasantly surprised

"Your ready to go again"he laughs and continues his assault.

A knock on the door has me jumping.

"Ignore it"

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, I quickly jump up and cover myself in a sheet. I make it to the door before ludo can even stand. I'm not sure how I will defend my self as I'm unarmed and naked other that a sheet.

"Betty, what are you doing here" I clutch the sheet closer to my body, I pull the door closed behind me and hope she won't see Ludo in my bed. This is awkward, I knew my mother in law would need to be told about ludo and I eventually but I'm not ready yet.

"Penelope said you had been involved in a bar fight and neither of us could call you" betty cranes her neck to try and look in my bedroom, it's obvious I'm hiding something.

"Oh no I wasn't involved I was just there"

"So ludo and Adam Johnson weren't fighting over you"

"I don't know what to say"

"Start by telling me that ludo won and it's him in there not the actor"

"Hi Betty,ofcourse I won" ludo says as he opens the door , I inwardly sigh. I don't look at him but by the look on bertts face it's safe to say he's practically naked.

"Happy to hear it, it's Nice to see you ludo although I wish I wasn't seeing quite as much" Betty's face is red.

I turn and see Ludo is naked other than my bath robe which ends at the top of his thighs so everything is on display.

"Your penis is out" I hiss, he pretends he's embarrassed but he doesn't care. He gives her a one armed hug before going back in the bedroom.

"I wanted to talk to you about this, it's all so new. I didn't want you to find out like this"

Betty smiles at me kindly, " I'll go downstairs, why don't you put on some clothes then we can talk"

I scramble into the bedroom and throw Ludos clothes at him, he finds the whole thing amusing. I quickly dress in sweatpants and tie my curls in a messy bun on the top of my head.

"This is so embarrassing I could just die" I cover my face with my arm. It's been a year now since Ark passed so I know she won't be mad that I'm getting back out there but I can't imagine she will be impressed that I'm doing it with arks best friend.

"Get dressed and go home, this is bad enough without you hanging around" ludo laughs but doesn't argue.

I walk down the stairs as slowly as I can,I really don't want to face Betty and the questions she must have.

"Penelope" I stop in my tracks when I see arks daughter sat with his mother at the kitchen island.

Penelope is trying to keep a straight face, she glances repeatedly at the floor, I follow her line of vision and see my bra and panties. Kill me now, I descreetly bend and collect them before throwing them in the laundry room.

"You must have something against having sex in beds" Betty jokes as I return, obviously she had already seen my underwear.

I can feel myself turning red.

Betty turns to Penelope "your grandfather and I only did it in the bed , under the covers with the lights out. Dreadfully boring it was"

A grimace fills Penelope's face, "just what I wanted to hear"

" Your grandfather couldn't be a lesbian, he couldn't find my g spot with a torch and a map. Not that he ever tried. Sex was for making babies, we weren't at it like rabbits like the kids of today"

"Eww" Penelope puts her finger in her mouth and gestures she's going to be sick.

"Ok enough about my sex life"

"Thank god" Penelope says dramatically.

"Let's talk about yours rose"

"Please don't talk about dad's sex life that's almost worst that hearing about yours and grandpa's"

"Oh no yours and Melvin's sex life is much more interesting " I prompt, I really don't want to talk about this with them.

"I'm hurt, I thought I rocked your world" ludo strolls in the kitchen, just when I thought this couldn't get worse or does.

"Hey uncle Lu, your screwing my step mom then. Naughty boy" Penelope teases as they hug. This cannot be happening, was I ted Bundy in a past life.

"You finally did it, I'm so proud of you" Betty hugs ludo tightly, I look at him and mouth "what the fuck" he just laughs.

"Your congratulating him for having sex with me?" I question, this is so weird.

Betty shakes her head and takes my hand into hers " he's loved you for years but he would not make a move out of respect for my son. It took a lot for him to act on his feelings even with arks blessing I wasn't sure he ever would"

"You knew" my voice is barely a whisper

Betty smirks, she looks almost proud of herself "who do you think told him it was time he made a move"

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