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"it's hot" it's the fifth time he's told me in the last five minutes and the fifth time I've ignored him. Our vacation had been great for the first day at least, ludo had insisted that he didn't need sunscreen. His words were "I'm use to the heat in LA, this isn't so hot'. His whole body is red and covered in big angry blisters, he is in serious pain that even alcohol won't numb. I've been mad ever since, I've looked after him to the best of my ability even covering his body in yogurt to help with his sore skin. At first I smirked when I saw him walking around the villa with his limbs stretched out , he looked like a constipated lobster. He did not find this funny however and complained regularly. For three days I have been confined to the villa only leaving to walk the grounds when ludo finally falls to sleep. Luckily we have a small private pool so I spend most of my time sunbathing or swimming in the pool. Ludo on the other hand spends most of his days in an ice bath or stood by the standing fan.

"Thats it I need to get out of here, if I have to stay here one more minute I will go crazy" I grab my bag and head to the door.

"I'll come" ludo wobbles over to the door, he Winces with every step.

"Nope you stay here I'll be back later"

I leave quickly before he can catch up with me, I can't spend another day listening to him complain. I feel guilty until I remember the attitude he had given me when I advised him to wear sunscreen.

I walk through the streets and head in to town, I had read that there was a market today so I hope I'm able to find it. The streets are busy but comfortable, I follow the crowd and quickly find the local market. I'm more excited than I should be, but after being trapped in the villa with a grumpy ludo I would be greatful to spend time literally anywhere.

Im able to blend in with the crowd, I'm wearing a hat and oversized glasses so I don't worry that anyone will recognise me. In all honesty I'm not recognised regularly it's only when in with ludo or one of my famous friends that anyone notices me.

It is hot but it's not an uncomfortable heat, I purchase a cup of fresh orange juice from a stall and start to browse. I buy traditional gifts for my large family and friends before I start looking at things for myself. It feels good to be out and living normally, I hadn't realised how much I actually needed this. The relaxing holiday I had been promised up until now had not been delivered. I think I would have been less stressed being at home facing the backlash of my dating ludo.  I'm dreading going back, I don't want to deal with everyone's opinions. I long for the days where I was a normal girl who's life wasn't first page news.

"Rose, rose is that you" I freeze as I hear my name, how is it possible for me to be so far from home but see someone I know. I turn and see Ben who is also supporting a hat and oversized sunglasses.

"Oh my god why are you here" I ask as I hug him.

"I'm shooting my new music video, you should come and watch"

I shake my head, I'm suppose to be hiding not hanging around with celebs on set.

"It's on yaught, there's a jacuzzi, a bar and a all you can eat seafood buffet"

I bite my lip, I should say no. "You twisted my arm"

He laughs and links his arm with mine, he leads us through the crowd until we reach a small mini bus.

"How are you here" Ben asks.

"I had to get away from LA, I was becoming a recluse"

Ben nods knowingly, obviously he had heard the rumours. "I wondered if it was true, I knew ludo had feelings for you but I didn't know that you had started dating"

"You knew how"

Ben laughs " I have eyes plus he threatened me with a broken bottle"

I chose the wrong time to take a drink from my juice, I almost choke on it.

"The night you came to my show he pushed me in a janitors closet and threatened to chop my balls off with a broken tequila bottle"

"You hurt her and I'll cut them off" Ben mimicks ludo and I can't help but to laugh.

"I'm sorry" I cover my mouth and try to hide my smile.

"For an old dude he's pretty intimidating, I knew he was pissed when he saw us together but I get it"

"Where is he anyway" Ben asks.

"Back at the villa, he's got a bad sunburn"

"Oooh, good vacation then"

I roll my eyes "it's been awful, I have not been able to leave the villa or actually experience Greece. My days have been filled with ludo complaining and covering him with yogurt"

Ben raises his eyebrows, "is that some sort of kink, I've never heard of yogurt play"

"Yuk you perve, no yogurt is good for burns. Believe me there's been no kink he can hardly move let alone have sex"

Ben laughs "that's what happens when you date an old man, he's probably happy for the rest. He must be popping Viagra like tik tacs"

"He doesn't need Viagra trust me"

Ben pretends to gag, "I'll take your word for it, can we change the subject. I don't really want to discuss my ex's sex life"

"Your ex" I ask confused.

"You , er we did date or have you forgotten already"

"We hardly dated we just had sex"

Ben laughs " that's the best type of dating "

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