Chapter Seventeen

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"To a critically ill patient, an organ transplant means a new start, a second chance. But the body is designed to fight off any outside invader. Even one that's trying to save it. Because a transplant doesn't guarantee that it's an easier life. There's a threat that the body will reject the organ outright. The transplant process is very scary. A patient goes from worrying about getting an organ to worrying if the organ will be rejected. The anxiety continues until they can finally open their eyes after surgery and see that their gift has been accepted"

"and the day that you'll watch the death of the sun"

The new board of directors, Derek, Cristina, Beck, Meredith, Callie, Arizona and Aurora were in a conference room. "Jackson Avery really has a bigger say than any of us in running this hospital?" Arizona questioned. "That can't be true. Can it?" Cristina asked. "Well, he's a voting member of the management team and he also represents the Harper Avery Foundation", Derek said. "And their 175 million bucks", Callie added. "As opposed to our $15 million apiece", Arizona said. "According to Stan, not only does he have the deciding vote, he can veto ours", Derek informed them. "That is ridiculous. He's a fellow", Cristina pointed out. "So are you", Aurora said.

"But he's a plastics fellow. And I'm me"

"Okay, there's no need to overreact", Beck said. "It's Jackson. He's not some corporate stranger. He's one of us". "No, you're right. He's a smart kid", Derek agreed. "He's gonna follow our lead". "No. No. We made this plan", Callie said. "We pulled it together. Look, I'm grateful to Harper Avery for an infusion of cash, but I'm not gonna let some, some...". "Plastics fellow?" Cristina suggested.

"Plastics fellow tell me how to run my service 'cause his mommy said he could"

"Preach", Arizona said.

"Okay, so we're agreed the peds and adult ERs will be combined to save on personnel?" Arizona clarified. They all agreed. "I'm sorry, guys", Jackson said, entering the room with a pink box and files in his hands. "I was running on time, and then my last rounds' patient turned into a crier". He put the pink box on the table, opening it, revealing pastries. "Pow", he said softly. Everyone was silent. "We were discussing the reopening of the ER", Beck explained. "And the trauma department". "Oh, yes", he said. "I'm not ready for that just yet". "If you need more time with the material, we can go ahead...", Derek said.

"No, no, I've... I've read it. It's just that the foundation feels that the ER is not a forgone conclusion. They need a site visit, a chance to look over the numbers. It could be a month before a decision"

"Okay. The foundation knows we plan on getting our Level I trauma designation back, right?" Arizona asked.

"They know that's the idea, yeah"

"It's the fact", Callie corrected. "I think we should table this until we can bring in Owen", Aurora suggested. "He'll have a lot of thoughts on this, too". "That's the other thing", Jackson said. "What thing?" Derek questioned.

"Okay. Since we are starting fresh, the thought is that new leadership would be good for morale"

"What, like, chief of surgery?" Aurora said. "Oh, no way", Callie said. "Firing Owen?" Meredith said. "Okay, we're not firing Owen", Aurora said. "Okay, well, the foundation thinks that...", Jackson began. "Your mother", Callie interjected.

"The Harper Avery Foundation..."

"Your mother, Avery. Just say it"

"It's a recommendation"

"It's an inappropriate one", Aurora said. "Tell your mom that. This is bull...", Callie snapped. "And this is going nowhere. I have surgery", Arizona said. "Yeah. Me, too. We should come back to this", Derek said. "You know, I don't care who's giving you your marching orders, this thing with Owen is not happening", Aurora said. "Well, say what you want, but without the Harper Avery Foundation, none of us are here", Jackson said. "And we appreciate that", Meredith said. "But no one expected them to come in and start dictating policy".

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