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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 6 is here~! Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing!!


No One's POV

"WHAT!!?" Fists are slammed onto the table in rage, as a male who is none other than Adam scowls at the not-pleased Sera.

"Our Lord has spoken, Adam. No one can't go against God's will and wishes." She spoke with a flat tone but turned stern at the end.

Adam scowls, and Lute frowns as always her arms folded against her chest. She wasn't pleased with the rule God put for all angels, higher-ups, and Archangels that 'Melody' the angel with four wings had special permission to hang with anyone and speak freely with anyone. She takes a sneak peek at her boss 'Adam', who does not take the news lightly. He is furious, so every day he tries to talk Sera into going against the new rule, God wishes to be respected so all the angels accept it, some don't like it but they shall not go against their Lord's wishes.

"Tch, I don't see what the big deal, is about this four-winged brat. She's just a freak, and she doesn't train. It's pathetic." Lute spoke up getting everyone in the meeting's attention.

Sera narrows her eyes at the exorcist lieutenant.

"Watch your tongue, Lieutenant Lute. She may be not my daughter by blood, but she is STILL my child." She spoke in a warning tone.

Lute rolled her eyes and scoffed at Sera's stern warning.

"Whatever. Come on, Danger tits. Let's blow this joint, and start getting ready for the Extermination in five days." Adam stood along with Lute and the two left the meeting area.

Sera sighs, shaking her head. She does not like how Adam speaks, it's distasteful. Emily flew over to Sera with worry on her face.

"Lady Sera...Is this truly okay? I love Melody, and she's like a sister to me. But now she will have targets on her back from upset angels, like Adam -- to do something and it'll get Melody hurt."

Sera sighs messaging her temple on both sides.

"She'll be okay, Emily. Don't worry so much. How is, Melody?"

"She's doing okay. She moved in with Lucifer, nicely?" 

She smiles nodding "Yeah. Lucifer sir has been helping her bringing her things to his place as we speak. It has been a week now since God gave a new rule. I'm happy Melody can be happy not just with you or me."

She smiles nodding "I agree, my dear Emily. I trust Lucifer with my child more than anyone, other than you of course Emily."

"Same. I better head over and see if they need my help."

Sera nods and bids her farewell as Emily flies over to Melody's house which she shares with Sera. Emily lands just when Lucifer and Melody walk out from the front door, smiling and greeting Emily who smiles and greets them both. She ends up helping them bring Melody's last box of things to Lucifer's house, and when they walk into Lucifer's house, Hugo is running around squealing with rubber duckies in his arms surprising all three of them. Lucifer being the first to snap out of his shock, squeaked out in horror at his 'babies' being ducknapped and started chasing the laughing and squealing bunny child.

Emily and Melody stood in the living room seeing the two entering and leaving a room, especially hearing random thuds, and Lucifer's yelps and thuds, they saw Lucifer still chasing a joyful little Hugo with a bowl on his head and he was soaked head to his shoes. It was wholesome to Emily and Melody, they couldn't help but bring out their phones and record everything with their eyes twinkling with mischief.

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