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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 19 is here~! This chapter will show which option you sinners voted on~ Hope it was okay? Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing, Abuse, R*pe, and Lots of feelz!! 


When humans or any race/kind ask about the definition of 'Suffering'? They say; the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship. No...it's way worse and unbearable, cause this is true pain. Not being able to see my child, not being in the man I love to cuddle in his embrace and his kisses. And I have to suffer every once a week Michael comes and visits me and...does things to me only Lucifer should be doing to me. I fought every time though, I struggled and I did hit him a couple of times but he ended up choking me until I passed out feeling the familiar pain and soreness between my legs. I cried every time he left, I kept a strong front, glaring at him everything to show he would never break me.

But right as he closed the door I would break, but every tear is sorrow and rage. Michael will pay...one way or another I make sure that motherfucker pays for what he has done to me. When I wash when he 'allows' me to shower, I make sure all over my body is scrubbed until my skin is red from how hard I scrub. I won't allow his touch to linger on my body until he goes down, and I don't care if he's God's son, he'll pay dearly for tainting me, kidnapping me, and abusing me. I have to wait for the right moment, for now, I'll keep fighting no matter how helpless I feel when he pins me.

I don't know how long it has been since he kidnapped me and did other things I don't wish to remember, sadly today is the day he will enter my chambers to have his way with me, while I fought against him. The door opened and closed as I sent him my best glare as always, he walked over and confidently pinned me on the bed under me but not before I slapped him across the face and he grabbed my other wrist.

"You BITCH!! You'll pay for that, I'll make sure you'll suffer for striking me."

My breath hitched in fear as he snapped his fingers and my limbs suddenly were all chained, I started struggling, feeling my heart racing from the fear.

"N-no...! Please, Michael! This is wrong!! P-please!! I-I just want to go home, b-be with the man I love, and my son!!" I begged him, tears sliding down my cheeks.

His body froze, his eye twitching scowling. I cried out in pain as he grabbed a fistful of my hair.

"You and Lucifer have a child!?" He roared out in rage.

"Y-yes! P-please!"

He growls then suddenly smiles widely in an insane way "I'll make sure you forget Lucifer AND your son. You'll start a family with me, and WE'LL  be happy at last!" He started laughing insanely, freaking me out how mentally insane he is acting!

"Y-you're insane!! I will NEVER love you, or start a family with you!! I rather DIE!!" I screamed out as I slam my forehead against his, causing him to cry out in pain falling off the bed.

He seethes when he stands back and backhands me, I yelp in pain and give him another glare.

"You are starting to piss me off, my dear. Time to show you who is in charge!"

My eyes widened as he took his clothes off and ripped my gown off, with one hand and I screamed and struggled, screaming Lucifer's name crying for him to save me.



No One's POV

Lucifer hasn't been the same, Remiel and his other siblings found out what was going on and are doing what they can do to find their brother's fiancee. Lucifer was stressed, and more easily snapped at anyone who tried to talk him into resting and eating. The only one who could calm him down was Hugo, he would cry for him and he would instantly calm and hold Hugo.

His First Love (Lucifer x OC)Where stories live. Discover now