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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 20 is here~! This chapter is the end of this book sadly D: BUT I'll be working on the sequel! I made the book cover and title, so I'll let everyone know through my feed, so keep a lookout for the updates~ Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing and blood!!


Days...weeks...months...years. Since the fall/banishment of Lucifer, I became depressed and the only ones who kept me afloat were my son, Remiel, Emily, and rarely Sera. I have this feeling in my heart Lucifer would NEVER cheat on me, but my dear mother was not hearing it and believes he is not worth the pain...but jokes on her because it's worth every agonizing pain because that man, that fallen angel is the man I love. Hugo wakes up in tears all the time, and there's nothing I can do to ease them but hold him and reassure him we'll see him someday. The Extermination is soon, actually, it's today and God took that disgusting ring off my finger Michael gave me, God found the ring Lucifer gave me and I kept it on my finger.

No matter what anyone keeps trying to sway my heart to forget him, he's down in Hell for eternity for his sins. Emily and Remiel informed me what he did, he got Adam's wife Lilith to eat the forbidden apple and they both were sent down to Hell and Remiel sadly informed me he and Lilith were the King and Queen of Hell married...and what's more he has a daughter and Remiel informed me her name is Charlotte but she preferred Charlie, it's a cute name I even went with Remiel to watch over the exorcists do their job sometimes since she did train them, she would fly off being careful as she watches Lucifer cooing over little Charlie as Lilith watched with a loving smile.

I felt envy of Lilith, like how DARE she stole my fiance! I wonder if she ever knew he was going to marry me? That was three years ago, and today I couldn't bare to go out to see it anymore I was sitting alone by the portal, I left Hugo with Emily hoping to help any injured but it's VERY rare if one does, mostly greenhorns but they learn that next time they go back. But I was NOT expecting only one exorcist to return, especially if that's the leader of the exorcist's ladies; Adam.

I knew how cruel and hateful he was towards me all those years ago, I can't bare for even him to get injured so seeing his helmet is gone I see his face, even I can't deny he looks handsome but not as handsome as Lucifer. He struggled to take a step, bleeding all over so when he tripped over his feet he fell but I quickly gasped and ran over to him to catch falling to my knees myself.

"Adam!! Oh God, wh-what happened? And where's the exorcists you took with you?" 

He grunts, panting out of breath "S-some motherfucking...sinner got the...b-best of them a-and me...tch, damn fucker!" He growls but is cut off by coughing up blood.

I cringe seeing the gold blood of our people, sighing softly.

"Enough, let me take you to the infirmary building close by and I'll patch you up," I told him gently like I always speak towards my patents, thanks to Remiel I was appointed as a head healer since my power I found out has to do with life, and healing I do have fighting powers, but I won't use such tactics unless it's the last resort.

He grunts actually listening to me for once, shocker but I led him to the building nearby where all the healers were. They were horrified when I helped Adam walk to a bed laying him down, and started giving my assistant's orders getting what I needed, as I told Adam I had to take his clothes off but his pants. He chuckles weakly smirking.

"You're supposed...t-to ask me on a d-d-date first, babe." He laughs but coughs up more blood.

I snort as I quickly dab the blood from his mouth, I notice he is sweating like crazy making me frown furrowing my brows.

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