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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 12 is here~! Yeah...close to the end killed me, I had to stop, then type, then stop, and then type every second lol Even doing lime still makes me flustered *covers my hot cheeks* So please, Enjoy~

Warning!! Some lime (mostly making out and more, but I'm skipping the lemon srry.)!!


I was cleaning up frantically, Lucifer was keeping Hugo busy while I cleaned up the place before Remiel showed up at the house. I just finished cleaning the last thing in the living room, when there was a knock at the door.

"I got it!!" I shouted as I speedwalk towards the front door, smoothing down my dress and opening the door smiling warmly at Remiel. "Welcome, to our home, Rem! Oh! Please, come on in. I'll call Luci, letting him know you're here."

I felt giddy, and excited to have Remiel here. But I still feel nervous about how she'll react, I just hope she is accepting. I opened the door fully, allowing her to walk inside then closed the door behind her and rushed to the stairs leading up.

"Luci!! It's Rem!!" I called up to the stairs.

"Okay!! I'll be down in a bit!!" He replies.

I walk into the living room to see Rem looking around looking impressed, she turns around noticing me smiling kindly at me making me smile in return walking over to her.

"Luci said he'll be down in a bit, um there's something I need to tell you before Luci comes down." I started out swallowing some, feeling the nervousness coming back with a vengeance.

I guess she took notice of my nervousness, her face softened and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey...whatever it is, I won't judge or hate you. You made my brother so happy, Mel. I'm VERY grateful for that, I always hoped he found someone who would care for him, and he did...he found you, Melody. So, thank you."

I started to tear up, Remiel was happy I was with Lucifer. It makes me feel so happy to hear that from her.

"It's no problem. Luci deserves all the love he gets, and I enjoy giving that to him every single day. That's why, I trust you with this...secret I kept, and don't worry God -- your dad knows about it." I reassured her when I noticed her frown forming as she pulled her hand from my shoulder.

"I see...what would this secret be about?"

A throat clears behind me, so I turn my body around halfway to see Lucifer smiling peaking his head around the doorway from the hallway.

"Is she ready, Flowers?"

I nodded "Yes. You can bring him in."

I step to the side to give Remiel a full view, when Lucifer walks into the living room holding the bunny form of Hugo. She looks at Hugo in confusion and surprise, she furrows her brows.

"Who... What is--"

"Remiel, this is Hugo. A year ago when I was practicing with my powers, I...accidently created this bunny instead of a rubber bunny toy, kind of like those rubber ducks Luci loves to make. And, well...he isn't just a bunny. Hugo sweetie, you can show Rem."

With a poof of pink smoke, he transforms into his humanoid look as I watch Remiels facial expression change from confusion, shock, and surprise, and then her expression turns soft and gentle.

"You...created not just an animal, but life. Half animal...half human." She started speaking walking over and placing her hand on his white hair. "So amazing...and father was okay with this?" She looks at Lucifer, who nods with a smile.

His First Love (Lucifer x OC)Where stories live. Discover now