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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 13 is here~! If you haven't seen it, the art of Hugo is above~ He wears a girl's dress for a reason that is told in this chapter~. Enjoy~


"Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can, Pat it and prick it and mark it with B, And bake it in the oven for baby and me. Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can, Pat it and prick it and mark it with B, And bake it in the oven for baby and me~!"

Squeals of joy hit Hugo as he clapped in excitement, as Melody and he finished their little hand game they learned from the humans. It was a clapping game a mother does with their child. Melody has learned many things about fun games she can do with Hugo, that he adores. She even looks up many baby lullabies to sing with Hugo when he wakes up with nightmares that he has been getting them recently. He woke up sobbing and calling out for 'Momma', all the time clinging to her and would not let go like he was afraid she would disappear, and it has made her worry for him so she informed Lucifer since he was gone those times he takes naps or sleeping at midnight. (When he wakes up screaming for Melody.)

"Wonderful job, my little star~" She coos rubbing her hands on his cheeks and making him laugh in delight, she stops to lean down kissing his forehead. "Now, are you hungry for a snack?"

His eyes lit up nodding practically bouncing up and down on the couch, Melody laughed at his enthusiasm stood up ruffling his soft white hair, and walked to the kitchen to find what she could make for his snack. She found some crackers and some cut-up cheese squares with small circle salami. She places them all on a plate, then grabs a cup and pours milk in it then carries both to the living room where Hugo is watching his cartoons, it was Mickey Mouse and his friends. She places the plate and cup of milk on the coffee table in front of Hugo, he slides down off the couch to the floor, crosses his legs, and happily starts eating his snack.

"Do you need anything else sweetie?"

He was chewing while he shook his head, smiling she thought she saw if there was anything to be cleaned up. She walks to the kitchen to get the cleaning stuff, as she blushes remembering the first time she had sex and she has no regrets about doing it with Lucifer, the man of her dreams and the man she loves. That was a month ago, and he's been arguing with Michael more and more lately. And she was always here waiting for him to comfort him, and remind him not to give up. She sometimes gives him ideas, but they also get shot down. 

Melody can tell he is losing hope, when he smiles it strains to hide from the pain of losing his dream of helping those Sinners who deserve a second chance at redemption. So she is going to surprise him when he gets home, she is going to cook a big feast and invite Emily, Sera, Remiel, and Hugo will be able to finally meet Sera at last. She told him about how Sera raised her since she was a baby, and she was like a mom to her so in a way she is his grandma. To say the least, he's excited to meet her. 

After she finished cleaning and then cooking lunch for her and Hugo, she carried their plates into the living room to see her beautiful little boy. Lately, he has new clothes he loves to wear, Melody was surprised but she didn't mind, he just made his cuteness overload now. He's wearing a cute girl blue dress, with white on top, with a cute gold tie, white stockings under his knees, with black shoes, and he does wear shorts underneath. Melody smiled placing down his plate on the coffee table which he was sitting on the floor again, then she walked around the coffee table and sat down beside him and both started to eat their lunch which was one hotdog for them each, with small handful of chips on the side of the saucer.


She blinks taken aback by his sudden voice, she swallows her food to turn her head to see him looking down at his hotdog that was half eaten. She furrows her brows, seeing the look of fear, and nervousness.

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