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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 16 is here~! If you didn't see the update on my Art book, here it is~ The art above is Melody with her floof child on her head after placing a flower crown he made for his momma~ I used a base and I found it on Pinterest. Enjoy~


I've been doing my best to keep my smile on my face around Lucifer, ever since that nightmare I wake up sweating, thank the Lord I wasn't screaming like the first time and I just lay in bed clinging to Lucifer in fear. I still can't see this man's face at all, it's always blurry and his voice is always distorted. I get close to seeing his face and hear his voice clearly because I feel like I heard it before and see his body figure. But I did my best to be happy around my archangel for two days, and we'll return home in two days.

I was laying on my stomach legs in the air kicking back and forth slowly, as I changed the page from a book I was reading. I'm wearing one of Lucifer's long white t-shirt that buttons up, and it goes down to my thighs I'm wearing underwear which is red and a lace style. Lucifer wanted me to stay put, while he did something and he wouldn't tell me so here I am reading a book I found on our bedroom bookshelf. It was an interesting read, it's a mystery with some romance. I was so focused on reading it that I didn't hear the door open, until the bed dipped down snapping out of my focus on the book, turning my head to see Lucifer.

"It seems you found one of my mother's favorite books."

Smiling warmly at him, I was surprised it was his mothers I thought it would be something his dad would like, guess I was wrong.

"It's a good read...it seems someone in the family has good taste~." I teased him a bit, sticking my tongue at him while he gasped.

"You wound me, darling," he places his hand over his chest, using a fake wounded look then smiles with a mischievous glint in his beautiful golden eyes. "If I have bad taste, then how come I found you?"

Feeling flustered, I stumbled over my words causing him to laugh and leans down giving me a short kiss.

"No worries, Flowers you are way better than a book. because I can read, touch, and see all I want on every page~." He spoke seductively right by my ear, causing my whole face to turn red.

"L-L-Lucifer!!" I squeaked out smacking his arm as I sat up, blushing madly. 

He laughs at my embarrassment of his naughty mind.

"Sorry, sorry~. I came in here to let you know I finished with the surprise. Come, there's something outside I want to show you."

He held his hand out to me, and with a slight pout, I placed my hand in his as he led me outside the penthouse to the back. I wasn't expecting anything huge, but this was more thing huge it's beyond that. I was taken aback standing in front of Lucifer and me were my mom, Emily, Remiel, and my precious son, Hugo.

"Why... How... When?" I was speechless, for once I had no words.

Lucifer chuckles still holding my hand.

"I asked them to come, with permission from Remiel and my father."

I turn so I'm facing Lucifer fully, furrowed my brows confused.

"Why? Did something happen?"

"No, nothing has happened I just...couldn't wait any longer."

Remiel snorts from my side "You are NOT a patient person, brother dearest."

Lucifer pouts at his sister's jab at him playfully, but he looks back at me with such love in his eyes. He looked giddy, and nervous but mostly excited, making me more confused.

His First Love (Lucifer x OC)Where stories live. Discover now