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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 17 is here~! Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing, Drugging someone without permission!!


I was at mom's place with Remiel, mom herself, and Emily while Lucifer watched over Hugo. The girls are helping me plan everything. I was so grateful for their help, it's been three days since we returned and everything was normal...ish? I've been getting this odd feeling of being watched, I tried telling this worry to Lucifer he was worried as well, and no matter what he did, or I did these eyes burned onto my being and it terrified me because it reminded me of that nightmare I keep having. I have them randomly, it's like it was trying to tell me or warn me... So I would be prepared for when I have that same nightmare, and try to see if I can see any details of this male, I feel like I know him I can barely see his face sometimes.

I'm glad my mom called me and asked me to come to her place, with Emily and Remiel to help plan my December wedding. It's helping me ease my mind, and making me forget...until now oops. I laugh slightly in my head but smile on the outside when Emily points to a picture in the magazine she bought down in the human grocery store, disguised as a human. 

"What about that kind of decoration?" 

"Hm..." I tilted my head looking at what Emily tapped the image. "I think it would look lovely, Em."

"Yay~" She cheers making the rest of us ladies laugh.

"Now, what about the cake?" Remiel spoke up, turning the pages until it showed different kinds and styles of cakes.

"Oooh~ They all look beautifully done. Oh! What about this red velvet cake with white frosting with light blue flowers, with pink flowers?" I asked pointing to an image of said cake.

"Red velvet cakes are the best! So delicious~." Emily sighed with a bit of drool, making me snicker making a handkerchief in my hand with my powers, and pretended to dab the drool with it.

"Careful Em, your droolin~."

She pouts as I smirk, she snatches the handkerchief and wipes the 'drool' from her mouth. We searched for more stuff until mom said she had the perfect wedding dress for me, but I couldn't see it until it was finished which made me whine and beg her to see if I could have a little peek but sadly she laughed and apologized to me saying no. After two hours longer, I said my fare wares and I took flight and flew home to my amazing Fiancé and my son when suddenly I had to skid to a stop blinking in surprise floating in front of me was Michael, Lucifer's twin brother.

But unlike the last time I met him face to face that day God wanted to speak with me about Hugo, he was rude and very cruel with his insults. This time though...it felt like I just flew right into a fear of mine, but I held back the fear and put up a strained smile.

"Hello, Michael. What do I owe this lovely surprise?"

I noticed his hands at his sides were in tight fists, but he was smiling tightly showing he was holding back his anger. Something gave me deja vu and a bad feeling.

"I heard from father, Remiel, and Lucifer..." He started speaking, but his teeth were closed tightly.

I wonder why he seems so mad.

"Um...what did they uh...tell you?"

He scowls "That damn twin of mine proposed to you..."

My eyes lit up, not realizing he was mad I was so blinded by my excitement to see the rage rising inside his chest and his eyes.

"Isn't it wonderful~? It was so cute, he couldn't wait until after our vacation to propose to me. I'm so excited about my wedding in five months~. Oh!" I place my hand hovering over my mouth, realizing I was babbling feeling bad I must annoyed him. "Forgive me for talking your ear off, Michael."

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