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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 11 is here~! I forgot but the lyrics Melody and Lucifer sings is 'Can't Help Falling in Love'. Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing!!


A year went by as the two went on many dates, some on Earth and in other countries some in Heaven as they had a romantic candlelight dinner at home, or went out on picnic dates. Everyone knew that Lucifer and Melody were a thing now, and everyone finally accepted Melody but the three angels did not like the idea of them together. But they did not know, cause no one would catch their glares when Melody laughed at Lucifer's jokes and playful flirting. 

Today Lucifer took Melody to Earth for a picnic in a beautiful field full of flowers, away from the humans. Lucifer wanted to tell her and say those three-letter words, he was nervous but giddy and he wanted to finally give the necklace his sister gave him to give to her as a gift. He waited for this moment, imagining seeing her wearing his mother's special necklace his father made specially for his mom -- it was a gift for their anniversary. As Remiel told him, he put some of his powers into the pink heart crystal and made a small hand box to put it in, and in his pocket ready to give it to her.

"It's so frustrating..." 

He snaps out of his thoughts, to hear Melody huff bringing her cup to her lips and sipping some of her tea. He raises his brow, curious to know what was frustrating.

"What seems to be frustrating my dear?"

She sighs "It's Adam...he, well...he keeps trying to get Lady Sera to get rid of God's well of me being able to be with you AND me being able to talk freely with the other higher-ups, and other Archangels...which reminds me, Remi wants to come over for a visit tomorrow." She had an irritated look on her face, but then when she mentioned his sister she smiled.

He scowls "That Adam loves to hear him talk, tch. Don't worry about him, Flowers. Dad's will and such can't be changed unless he himself can change it. Wait, Rem wants to come for a visit tomorrow?"

"True, and yep. I think...we should introduce her to Hugo, I got to know her pretty well for one year and I trust her."

His eyes soften, and he takes notice of how his sister and his girlfriend are so close as she is to Emily. It brought him nothing but joy seeing one of his siblings taking a liking to someone he cared for. He placed his cup down, gently took her hand in his, and brought her knuckles to his lips as he kissed it.

"It brings me so much joy knowing you and Remiel are close. And if you want to introduce Hugo to my sister, then we shall."

She smiles feeling giddy, she giggles at his gentleman as he takes a deep breath out and pulls a velvet box from his coat pocket.

"Melody, we've been dating for a year now and it's been nothing but amazing just being with you. Remiel gave me something before we dated, it was our mothers," He opens the velvet box showing the pink crystal heart with crystal silver wings on it, and her eyes widen in awe at the beauty. "I want you to have this."

She loved it, she was in complete awe over the beauty of it.

"A-are you sure you want to give this beautiful necklace that belongs to your mother, to me?" She was in shock, he would give something so precious to her it made her tear up.

His eyes soften along with his smile, he picks the necklace out of the box and scoots closer to her.

"May I?" She shyly nods and leans forward, he carefully hooks the necklace, and he leans back admiring his mother's necklace shining brightly and resting between Melody's collarbones. "It makes you look more radiant, my Moonlight."

His First Love (Lucifer x OC)Where stories live. Discover now