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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 15 is here~! The image above is Lucifer's and Melody's PJ's, but the men's pants isn't blue it's gold, while Melody's shorts is magenta pink, but not bright, slightly dark. Enjoy~

Warning!! Nightmare!! (idk if it should be a warning? But eh, I do it anyway.)


A week and five days went by. And it has been such an amazing day, with the angel of my dreams. We had so much fun we ran, flew, swimmer until we could move -- of course, we made sure we were on solid ground when it came to flying and swimming. But on some nights it gets steamy. I was making breakfast for Lucifer and me, but he was still sleeping after flying around trying to catch me, then me trying to catch him in our childish game of 'tag'. I wanted to sleep some more, but my stomach was growling and needed some food and I wanted to make some breakfast for Lucifer. I was humming as I flipped some chocolate chip pancakes, that I'm starting to love to eat for breakfast, even got Lucifer to crave them too.

Arms slip around my waist, and his chin rests on my chin.

"Mmm~ Chocolate chip pancakes, my favorite~." Giggling at his tone, I knew he was drooling.

"Morning, my love."

He chuckles "Morning to you too, my Moonlight. When I woke up, my cuddle bug was gone." he said pouting, making me smile and laugh softly.

"Sorry for leaving. I was hungry and had been craving my famous chocolate chip pancakes lately, and I know you haven't had my chocolate chip pancakes since we've been here."

"Mmm, I'll forgive you only if you come back to bed afterward," He started to sway making me sway with him.

"Very well, I am still sleepy but I wish to eat then we'll go back to cuddling in our bed," I promised him while patting his arm then went back to pouring another pancake batter.


After we ate breakfast, as promised we were back laying in our queen-sized bed cuddling. Since I told Lucifer about Hugo's nightmares, and my concern about it I did my best to push the worry aside and have fun, but when I'm not having fun and Lucifer is sleeping I stay up a bit longer thinking.  

Mostly about what my life would or would be like, closing my eyes gently I started imagining myself, Lucifer married, with Hugo, and another child but with Lucifer. It was perfect...that is my dream, starting a life and family with the one I love with all my heart and soul. I opened my eyes with a smile, but it all came crashing down as I realized I wasn't lying, cuddling with the man I love.

I'm standing in nothing but chaos, my eyes started looking around wide in terror as I was back in Heaven, and every angel started falling to their death all around me. Tears welled up as I spun around slowly, as more...and more...and more angels fell. I choke on a sob, covering my mouth.

"No...please...l-let this be a nightmare!" I cried out as suddenly as I cried out, all the flying or fallen angels were gone, and I was alone.

I whimpered softly hugging my hands to my chest as I started walking backward. 

'I wanted to wake up! Luci!! Mom!! Em!! H-Hugo!!' I mentally screamed out the important people dear to me, as their smiling faces hit my mind.

When I saw Lucifer's gentle, soft, and warm smile reaching out to me watery smile plastered on my lips as I reached out to him. My hand was in his, and I went to take a step towards him when something grabbed onto my other hand causing me to cry out in pain as the touch felt like it was burning me. I turned my head to see who it was, but the face was blurred and what's more whoever it was WAS burning my hand! I screamed out in pain as the burning pain was slowly agonizing burning going up that arm. 

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