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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 14 is here~! Okay, let me ask this question; Who do you think this angel is that wants to ruin Lucifer's life and make Melody his? I won't say WHO it is until it finally comes out in one of the chapters which MIGHT be the next chapter...or the next one, spoils~ *winks* You can just say his name, or say his name and the reason. Enjoy~


Unknown's POV

I stood in the shadows arms crossed against my chest, back leaning against the wall waiting.

"'Sup bitch!"

Seeing Adam, the first man talk in such a vulgar manner (even though I do swear now and then but only when I'm truly angery.) I scowled at his entrance.

"Must you use profanity, Adam? Tch, it's utterly revolting."

He rolls his eyes and waves his hand carelessly brushing my words, I sneer at him. He's lucky he's protected by my father, or I would send him down to the Sinners.

"Whatever man. Now, see this shit!?" he shoves a small bottle to my face, grinning. "This is what you need to sneak into his drink or food, whichever is fine. It's tasteless, maybe a bit...fruity. But he won't know the difference, just make sure when he loses consciousness bring him to the Garden and they're my plan will start." Adam informed me cackling insanely.

Rolling my eyes "How would I know this...potion will work?" I ask him narrowing my eyelids, looking him up and down rethinking of trusting him.

He scoffs "Dude, this plan is foolproof! When he wakes up and sees 'her', he will instantly forget the four-winged freak ever existed ~." He said in a sing-song tone, proud of his plan.

I huff, not liking this. Something in my gut tells me it won't work, but what is there to lose? This is the only thing I can do for now, I'll just think of a plan B just in case Adam's stupid plan doesn't work.

"Fine. We'll go with this plan of yours, but know this; If this plans screws up somehow...I'll make sure you suffer far worse than those damned Sinners." I said with venom in my voice.

He shrugs "Whatever. Remember, we start this plan in two weeks. I have to train some new pathetic rookie bitches." He grins cackling, then flying away.

Groaning "I'm surrounded by baffoons..." I look at the bottle I snatched before he left and place it in the inner pocket of my coat. "Soon, Lucifer...soon you'll be out of my way, and then father and the others will see ME, and I'll have Melody at last."

I remember the day when I saw her, she was singing with Emily laughing and smiling so bright like the stars as they glow so radiantly so...divine like her. I knew I was cruel to her before, but I can't have her know my attention...yet. And maybe if I have enough of this potion left after using it on my brother, she'll only see me and only me. Gripping my hands into fists, I spread my wings and took off to do my duty before anyone took notice of my absence.


Three Day's Later

No One's POV

"Is that everything?"

"Yes, mom. No worries. Luci, and I got everything so stop worrying."

Sera huffs then softens close to tears at the end.

"I know...it's just, reality hit me that you have grown up and you found someone. I never got a chance to tell you this, sweetie, but; I'm SO proud of you," She reaches out grabbing Melody's free hand, both were tearing up a bit.

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