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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 9 is here~! Some of the things from Lucifer's brothers and sister are based on the TV show 'Lucifer', if you haven't watched it please do! It's worth it and I HIGHLY recommend it ^w^ Enjoy~


God's Palace

"Please, sister!" Lucifer followed his younger and only sister, Remiel who was walking around her room she had full of her hunting equipment and other things, and she was organizing her things.

She huffs not paying him much attention going through her things, and marking off what she needs to get.

"No." Was her blunt reply.

Lucifer frowns "But, you never gave me a chance to explaine--"

"No, Lucifer. The last time, I helped you it got me in trouble."

"Aw, come on, Remiel. It was one mistake! How would I know those swans will attack you!" He groans and slumps forward with a pouty look as he stands at her side.

She huffs not looking at him but her clipboard.

"Like the last time? No thanks, Lucifer. I rather keep my limbs brother." 

"Remiel, please...this is very important to me. it's not about helping me with swans, ducks, or boars. I just need your advice on...on a girl." He struggles at the end, blushing madly, as he admits he likes someone.

When he finished talking, Remiel froze and slowly turned around with a raised eyebrow, one hand on her hip while the other was holding her clipboard still.

"You? Want MY advice on a girl?" He fixes his bowtie, nervously he nods causing her to blink place her clipboard down walk over to him causing him to sweat bullets.

"Remiel, I know you don't wish to help me but she--"

He was cut off by Remiel pulling him to her, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped as his sister, who never gives out hugs to just anyone (only God gets those hugs) is hugging HIM. She pushes him back gently and places her hands on his shoulders smirking brightly, at his confused and shocked face.

"It seems one of my big brothers finally found someone~. Come! Let's go to my room, and you can tell me alll about this girl and I'll see what I can come up with to help."

He blinked taken aback, but he listened allowing his young sister to drag him towards the hallways of the palace to her room that had everything she needed, like a small kitchen and a bathroom. She led him to her desk chair sat him down, jumped on her bed, and crossed her legs.

"Now, tell me. Who is this girl you like?"

Lucifer then told her everything (just not about Hugo.) and how the moment their eyes locked on each other, he felt strange nothing bad though it felt right. Then he told his sister about how Melody is shy and self-conscious about her four wings but she has a heart of gold, always so kind. After he finished telling his sister about Melody, he smiled having a dazed look remembering all those times she smiled, laughed, scolding Hugo or him. Suddenly he was snapped out of his lovesick daydreaming by, a painful smack upside the head.

"Ow!" He scowls, rubbing his head and glaring at his sister who rolls her eyes. "What gives, Remiel!?"

She scoffs and folds her arms "Dear, brother of mine...I was trying to get your attention, but you were in your lovesick daydream. Most likely thinking of Melody~" She teased him by making her voice sing her words at the end playfully.

He blushes pouting "So what if I am? Anyways, what were you trying to ask me?"

"It's obvious what you need to do, Lucifer. Just go up to her, and tell her...easy as that."

His First Love (Lucifer x OC)Where stories live. Discover now