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Ho akhiyaan kare jee hazoori

Maange hai teri manzoori

Kajra siyaahi, din rang jaaye

Teri kastoori rain jagaaye

Man mast magan, man mast magan



In the Shekhawat mansion, the clinking of cutlery filled the air as the family gathered for breakfast, preparing for their day's work. All were present except the elder couple, who chose to dine in their chamber that morning. Amidst the meal, a maid approached with a message in hand:

"Bai sa, bade Hukum sa has called for you, Hukum sa and Rana sa, after you finish your breakfast."

With a respectful bow, she delivered her message and departed. The family nodded and continued their meal in peace. Once Rudransh finished, he rose, wiped his face with a tissue, and was soon joined by Virendra and Suhani. Together, they made their way to Viraj's chamber.

Viraj and Sushma had just finished their breakfast when Sushma prepared to visit the mandir, only to be halted by Viraj.

"Wait, I've summoned Rudransh; we need to discuss something," he stated firmly.

"A discussion? About what?" Sushma inquired, unaware of any prior conversation. Before Viraj could reply, a knock sounded. Recognizing the expected visitors, Viraj invited them in.

As the door opened, Suhani and Virendra entered, followed by Rudransh, who was preoccupied with his phone. Noticing his grandfather's stern look, he sighed, pocketed his phone, and greeted them.

"Good morning, Dadu. Good morning, Dadi," he said, seeking their blessings. Sushma, seeing her grandson, who rarely visited due to his busy schedule, beamed with joy and patted his back as he sat next to her.

"Did you call for us, Papa Ji?" Suhani inquired, curious about the reason for the early summons, while Virendra, anticipating the discussion, settled into his seat and crossed his arms.

"Suhani, have you considered your elder son's marriage? He is already 27 and will soon turn 28," Viraj stated, his voice firm and commanding. Suhani, after a brief glance at her son, responded,

"For the past two years, Papa Ji, I have been trying. I've even sent him photos of suitable girls, many of whom are of royal lineage, but he always avoids the subject or is too busy, and he has missed every date I arranged for him."

Suhani explained why her son was still unmarried; it was always Rudransh who sidestepped the topic of marriage and neglected the arranged dates.

After understanding the reason, Viraj glanced at his grandson, who seemed unaffected by his mother's words. Shaking his head and taking a deep breath, he began to speak.

"I think it's time for me to handle this matter," he declared, looking at his son, who nodded in agreement, affirming his father's decision.

"As we all know, your coronation ceremony was completed on your 25th birthday, but most people are unaware of this since it wasn't announced publicly. And they will not accept a king without a queen. To be a powerful, truthful, and respected king, you need a queen by your side, which means you need to marry," Viraj explained the necessity, believing it was time for marriage.

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