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(N) tiredly stares at the sky as he walks to school. He shifts his bag on his shoulder and sighs. 'I'm finally a senior. Guess I'll have to wisen up and stop skipping classes.' The (h/c) haired teen slows his pace as he sees a black-haired male standing under a tree. 'What's he doing?' (N) eyes the male and walks closer. 'Oh. We're wearing the same uniform.'

Suddenly the male claps his hands together and yells. "Please! Please let me graduate this time!" The male lowers his hands and opens his eyes. (E/c) and brown eyes meet causing the male's brown face to flush. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't know someone was here!" (N) shakes his head and chuckles. "No worries." The black teen fidgets with his bag strap. "So you're also a senior?" "Yes. I'm really excited to graduate."

(N) hums and continues walking down the path. Hurried footsteps echoed behind him as he looked down to see the black male beside him. "Unfortunately I don't feel the same. Though I am ready to leave high school...especially the people." A soft laugh leaves the shorter male's mouth. (N)'s lips twitch into a smile. "I'm (N)." "Oh! I'm Myles. It's nice to meet you." Leaves fall from the trees as the two walk in peaceful silence to school.
(N) sighs and tosses his bag on the floor and slumps into his seat. His classmates whisper about him and he rolls his eyes. "(N). It's good to see you in class today. Did something happen?" The teen looks up to see a girl with brown hair and green eyes smiling at him. "Nothing happened Hannah. I'm just...you know locking in?" Before Hannah could speak the classroom door was thrown open and a red-headed girl ran in.

"Noooo Hannah! Get away from that delinquent! He'll taint you!" The redhead shouts while pulling the brunette into her chest. (N) raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms over his chest. "As student council president you shouldn't go around calling people delinquents. Rose." "I'm only telling the truth (N). A student that skips school is a delinquent!" (N) turns to Hannah and the brunette shrugs.

"Hey, Rose. You should get to class." The redhead glances at her watch and gasps. "Oh shi- shoot! Right. Hannah, I will see you later. (N). I've got my eyes on you." Rose playfully threatens and exits the classroom. (N) mouths the words 'thank you' as Hannah nods and sits at her desk.
(N) walks through the hallway with a bottle of (f/d) and a sandwich. A frown forms on his face as people whisper about him. 'Ugh. Shut up. Shut up. Is it that bizarre that I'm here?' (N) glances out the window and freezes. In the courtyard sat a familiar male. 'Myles? He's...by himself.' The (h/c) haired teen glances at his classroom and walks downstairs to the courtyard.

"Hey, Myles. What are you doing out here alone? Where are your friends?" The black teen lowers his sandwich and watches (N) sit down. "(N). Hello. Umm. I don't have any friends anymore. They're all gone." Myles takes a bite of his sandwich and swallows. "What about you? Why are you here?" (N) hums and chews his sandwich for a bit then answers. "You looked lonely. Plus I'm currently avoiding some people."

(N) turns to see Myles staring at him intensely. A small bead of sweat rolls down (N)'s face. "Uh. My friend. He's been complaining recently about not having a girlfriend and it's really annoying. He's a good guy but he's very whiny. Ugh just talking about him...get a grip man." Myles laughs causing (N) to smile and continue. "And the other person keeps hounding me about my skipping class...even though it was last year."

Myles watches as students walk by with their friends and plays with his fingers. (N) glances at the students and then at the sky. "I know we've just met but you can tell me anything." Myles sighs and digs his shoes into the dirt. "I. Was just thinking about how different things could have been if I hadn't missed school last year." (N) turned to Myles and shifted closer. "You're...taking the year over again?"

"Yep...everything is different this year. Everyone I knew already graduated and moved on with their lives. I really hope I can graduate this time." 'So that's what he praying about this morning.' (N) places his hand on top of Myles's head. "Hang in there Myles. I'm sure you'll graduate." The bell rings and the two stand up. "Thanks for sitting with me (N)." "No problem."

(N) watches Myles walk away and calls out to him. "If you want we could walk home together?" "You're too kind (N). You don't have to." The (h/c) haired male scratches his head and smiles. "Well, we're friends now so it makes sense to me." Myles's eyes widen and he blushes before smiling. "Right! See you later!"

'Friends huh? That's what I told him. What the-' (N) flinches as a piece of crumbled-up paper hits his cheek. He turns to see his friend glaring at him. "What are you so giddy about? I swear (N) if you got a girlfriend before me." The male whispers as (N) rolls his eyes. "It's nothing (F/n) and fortunately for you, I am still single." (F/n) makes a face and (N) looks away.
"I'll leave you here. Thanks for walking with me." (N) nods and turns to leave but Myles grabs his sleeve. The taller male looks down at him. "I live a few blocks down here above the bakery. Come by anytime." "I'll keep that in mind." (N) spent the next hours walking around town as the moon slowly rose overhead. He finds himself back at the spot where he left Myles. 'I guess I could go now. I hope they're still open.'

"Uh hello?" (N) says as he opens the door to the bakery and walks in. 'It's empty in here. Well, it is dark out.' The teen stops in front of a tray full of pasties. "It's a new recipe I've been working on. Go ahead and try it. It's on the house." (N) looks up to see a black woman smiling at him. He looks back down and picks up the pastry. "Here goes." The second (N) bit into the pasty he recoiled and his eyebrows furrowed.

'It's meat?!' The woman beams with excitement. "Do you like it! It's sweet and savory! I call it a Sweet Wellington!" (N) gulps down the pastry and looks at the woman. "I'm sorry but this is...horrible. It doesn't make sense for it to be in a bakery. The sugary sweetness from the dough soaks into the meat making it too sweet. This belongs in a restaurant with food. I'm not surprised that this tray is full. No one wants..."

(N) stops talking as the woman tears up. "You don't like it? No one wants to buy my pastries!" The teen watches as the woman runs out of the bakery. "Wait!" 'Perhaps I said too much.' Suddenly an arm wraps around his neck and forces him into a headlock. "You damn punk! You're supposed to lie! Tell her 'it's the best pastry I've ever eaten!' How dare you make my wife cry!" (N) gasps for air as the bleached-haired woman releases him and turns him around. "Wait a second. That uniform. Are you friends with my nephew?"
"Why didn't you say so earlier? Ha! I almost killed you!" The bleached-haired woman laughs while roughly patting (N)'s shoulder. "Now now Ash. Myles finally brought home a friend. You can't kill him. He may be a potential boyfriend." The black woman smiled as Ash scoffed. "As if I'd hand Myles over to this punk. Scram! Get outta here kid!" (N) sweats and stands up only to be pulled back down. "Come on kid! Man up! If you love him you gotta fight for him! But of course, I'm not handing him over."

(N) stares at the table as Myles walks into the room with a tray of drinks. "Aunt Ash. Aunt Clara. Please stop teasing (N)." "Don't worry Myles. I won't run your little friend away. He's family now. Isn't that right son?" Ash roughly pats (N)'s shoulder as the male groans. 'Weren't you just telling me to get lost?' After eating with the Asumi family (N) returns home. "I'm home." He enters the living room and sees a note on the table. 'He must be working overtime again. He's been like this ever since the divorce.'

The teen yawns and walks to his room. He tosses his uniform onto the floor and flops on his bed. (N) folds his arms under his head and stares at the ceiling. "Ugh, what the hell? All the sleep left my body." Sitting up in bed with a frown (N) stands up. He throws on some sweats and walks outside. 'What? How'd I get here again?' Staring down at the teen was the Asumi bakery. (N) turns to leave but stops when a voice calls out to him.

"You wanna know something about this town?" (N) looks over to see Myles standing under a streetlight. "People say this town is magical. It can grant you any wish. Any wish that comes from the bottom of your heart."

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