Chapter 3: Prick

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Rocky Winslow
July 4th, 2024

I drowned myself in paperwork trying to take my mind off of the timid brunette girl in the other room. Something about her seemed different since this morning. She was typically anxious. I'd gathered that much in these past months but she was visibly upset today and I hated to see it.

Catching my attention wasn't easy and I admit, I had some whorish tendencies for most of my adolescence. But one night stands got boring eventually and no one seemed worth committing to. Everything changed once I saw Lily though.

Somehow, she managed to keep herself in the shadows for the first three months I started working with Uncle Hank. I mean I saw her in the building every once in a while but I hardly got a glimpse of her gorgeous face. Eventually though, I developed this interest in her that I just couldn't shake. Her attractiveness was like some kind of magic. It wasn't necessarily in her looks or the way she presented herself, it was a strong yet subtle energy that drew me to her like a magnet.

By the time I figured out I had a crush on her I tried to avoid her at all costs. I, Rocky Winslow never had a crush in my 27 years of living. To say I was baffled at this revelation was an understatement.

Three months passed and I couldn't keep myself from her any longer. But she was skittish and I knew it would take time to develop her trust. So I came up with a plan.

Phase one was introducing Lily to Pierre and Drew. My friends and I shared just about everything in life from a house to business plans to some of our greatest memories. The prospect of sharing a woman was just as appealing. Phase two was getting my friends on board with the whole idea which I knew was going to take some convincing. I just needed them to see how enchanting Lily was and I knew they would give it a chance.

The sun had set and fireworks began flying in the air. The sounds of them going off were even louder considering the cafe was in downtown LA. I was about to start responding to some emails for the business when I heard a loud bang coming from the kitchen. Lily had probably just dropped a dish but I had this sort of nagging feeling in my gut and I felt the need to check on her.

I walked into the kitchen and there was no sign of the pretty girl. There were metal dishes on the floor and a rush of panic went through me as I checked the bathrooms and called out for her.

Her muffled sobs sounded through the employee break room and I saw her curled up under the grey table that stretched along the wall. She was rocking herself back and forth, tears streaming down her face and my heart sank at the sight. Before I could reach for her the door swung open and some random chick beat me to it.

The dark skinned girl wrapped and arms around Lily and started whispering incoherent words in her ear. Lily pulled the girl impossibly closer as her arms came around her back.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked the unknown girl as I knelt down beside the table. I'm not sure Lily even registered I was there in her panicked state.

Her eyes snapped toward mine and she whisper shouted at me. "Nothing's wrong with her you fucking prick! What's wrong with you?" Fuck.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I-"

"C'mon Lil. We're gonna stand up and walk to the car now." Worry was thick in her voice and I realized the fireworks had stopped for the moment. Was that why she was scared? Some kind of PTSD maybe?

Lily's eyes were trained on the ground and she nodded her head. They crawled out from under the table but I stopped them before they could leave.

"Wait a second." The girl stopped with her arms wrapped around Lil and gave me a death stare. "How do you know Lily?" They were clearly close but I couldn't help but feel protective over her even if she wasn't mine yet.

"I'm Magnolia, her sister." She spoke in a monotonous voice. "Now move." It was a threat this time.

Sister? I remember Lily mentioning she had one but they looked nothing alike. Lily was pale, short and had sharp facial features. Magnolia had dark brown skin, soft facial features and was only a few inches shorter than me.

They were out of the door before I could contemplate it any longer.

Word count: 790

Song: Fourth of July Sufjan Stevens

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