Chapter Eight: Friends

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Pierre Benoit
July 18th, 2024

I was right. This girl was absolute perfection. She was everything I was searching for and more. To see such a magnificent woman in pain pulled at the strings of my heart.

I put her to bed after we cuddled for a few hours on the couch last night. I hardly knew anything about but her soul spoke to mine in a way I've never experienced. I knew it wouldn't take long before I fell.

Rocky and I moved her things from her hotel room into the guest bedroom. I wasn't sure how she'd react when she woke up. If she left, there's nothing we could do. I really hoped she would stay.

Drew walked in the kitchen, looking like hell. "Another all-nighter?" I asked.

He mumbled something incoherent and began rummaging around in the refrigerator.

"Breakfast pizzas are almost ready. Want some?" I began collecting the dishes to bring them in the dining room.

"Sure." He started putting some ingredients in a blender to make one of his gruesome protein shakes. I tried one of his years ago and spit it out on his face. It was hilarious until I ended up with a black eye. Drew used to have some pretty severe anger issues.

I pulled out the pizzas from the oven. The three of us guys headed to the dining room. Drew looked at the table, confused written on his face.

"Why are there four plates-"

"Good morning, Little Lily. Breakfast is ready." Rocky cut him off.

The pretty girl stood awkwardly at the doorway. "Good morning. I-" She stopped talking when her eyes fell on Drew.

The air suddenly shifted when they locked eyes. His eyes were intense and it almost looked like he was mad at her. She looked like a deer in the headlights under his angry stare.

He sat down at the head of the table and the rest of us followed suit. I was at the other end of the table while Rocky and Lily were across from each other in the middle. 

"Are you going to return my t-shirt or do you plan on keeping it forever?" Drew's low voice sounded through the otherwise silent room.

Lily choked as she tried to take a sip of her apple juice. I sent Drew a 'What the fuck does that mean?' look. He just shrugged but I didn't miss the way the corner of his lip tugged slightly upwards.

"I'll h-have to get it from my hotel room." She looked down at her food, seemingly embarrassed. Drew might have been my best friend, but he sure was an asshole too.

"About that..." Rocky started and she looked up at him curiously. Her brows furrowed slightly and she tilted her head to the side. She was too cute.

"Pierre and I moved your things into one of the guest rooms."

"What?" Lily and Drew spoke in unison.

I sent Drew a 'Not now.' Look.

"Why would you do that?" Lily asked nervously.

"For whatever reason, you're not living at home right now and it doesn't seem like that was your choice." She frowned at Rocky's words.

"Friends are supposed to help each other, no?"

"Friends?" She made a face.

"Don't sound so surprised Lily. You going to break my little heart." She let out the sweetest little giggle as he put his hand on his heart.

"That's a very kind offer. You've all agreed to this?"

"Of course," I said without hesitation.

She looked at Drew who was silent. He better not screw this up.

He nodded wordlessly and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

. . .
Rocky Winslow
July 18th, 2024

I was helping her organize her clothes in the closet. Moving her in so soon was never a part of the plan, but I can't say I minded. Drew would probably be pissed for a few days, too bad for him.

"I have to leave for work soon." Lily said as she got up on her tippy toes to put a pair of shoes on the shelf. I walked up behind her and picked her up. She shrieked.

"I'm helping you."

She cleared her throat. "Right." She set her shoes on the shelf and I put her down.

"As for the work thing...I cut all your shifts for the next week."

She looked offended and opened her lips to speak but I beat her to it.

"You're going through something right now, the last thing you need is put more stress on yourself.  I know this must be confusing but I just wouldn't feel right letting a friend or employee burn themselves out when I could do something about it. Besides, you get paid time off if that's your main concern." 

It was hard to reason all of this when she didn't yet know just how much she meant to me.

"Mr. Winslow doesn't give us paid time off."

"Mr. Winslow is no longer the owner of the company. And I can do whatever I damn well please."

She beamed up at me. "Really? That's so awesome."  A look of realization creeped up on her face and she seemed almost...disappointed.

The things I would do to peek in this woman's mind for just a second. I wasn't a patient guy. I never had any reason to be. My family was filthy rich, I was charming and there was nothing those two things couldn't get me. But it would take more than that steal a heart so beautiful. To steal my Little Lily's heart.

. . .

Drew Cage
July 18th, 2024

"You fucking idiots. You really just let some random chick stay here without telling me shit."

I needed to go punch some shit. Maybe Pierre's face. Then Rocky's after he finished help Little Lily unpack and settle in. The nickname made me was to gouge my eyes out.

"She's not random. We all agreed we wanted her. Are you getting cold feet?"

"Are you getting cold feet? Who the fuck talks like that?" I mocked him in a nasally voice and he rolled his eyes.

"No. But I never said anything about wanting to live with her. What happens when we eventually break things off and she has nowhere to go? You sons of bitches didn't think this through in the least."

"I don't plan on breaking things off."

It was my turn to roll my eyes. "You met like two weeks ago and you're already whipped. It's tragic really."

"Why does Lily have one of your shirts?" He changed the subject. I could tell he's been dying to ask me since this morning.

"You want one too?" I smirked.

"Ew. That's sick. I'm serious."

"She asked for it when she came to get her shit cause her dress was ripped." That was a little bend of the truth but he was too fun to fuck with.

His eyes narrowed at me. Sucker.

"I'm going now." He stood up off the couch.

"I know she's just a game to you right now. But if you hurt her, I'll fuck you up. I'm not like Rocky." His voice was low and threatening. I hadn't seen this side of Pierre in years.

Memories of the past came flooding in my mind.

"We'll see."

Word count: 1220

Song: End of Beginning by Djo

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