Chapter Five: The Party and The After Party

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Lily Mayfield
July 5th, 2024

"Ow!" I whined as my face bumped into a hard chest. Oh my. I looked up to see a very handsome older man peering down at me.

"Lily? Are you alright?" He knows me? I surely don't know him. I couldn't forget a man so stunning with tanned skin and blue eyes.

He seemed to sense my confusion. "Uh, I'm Pierre. We met yesterday at breakfast?"

I let out a fake laugh. "Oh, yeah I remember now. What's up?" I definitely didn't remember but there's no way I'd explain my blackout to a total stranger. Though apparently he wasn't one.

It took him a moment to respond and he gave me a weird look. "It's time for the cake and then I'm going back to my room. Walk with me?" So they're roommates?

I nodded. We walked down the hall to the dreaded kitchen with was must have been at least 40 people crammed, all circled around Rocky.

A Gâteau St-Honoré cake with two candles that made '24' was sitting on the island.

I felt someone grab my forearm, I turned around to see a dressed up Magnolia now at my side. She smiled at me innocently and batted her lashes. Before I could question her, every one started singing happy birthday. I only mouthed the words. Pierre and I parted ways when he went to get a slice of cake and I gave my sister a piece of my mind.

Mag told me I should turn my location off if I didn't want her finding me. I told her she should have at least had the decency to tell me she was coming.

We didn't bicker often but when we did we always hugged it out after. She got lost in the sea of people in Rocky's—and I suppose Pierre's—living room.

The clutch slung over my shoulder started vibrating against my hip. Who could be calling me past eleven pm?

Mother's name was on the caller ID and I just about had a panic attack for the umpteenth time tonight. It was one stressor after another, I was almost dizzy.

I walked down a hallway I'd never seen and opened a few doors until I found a seemingly empty room. Though I couldn't see past the staircase so I wasn't too sure.

My heels clicked on the black glass stairs and I was taken aback when I turned to the left past the wall. There was a whole underground floor under the house, a complete contrast in theme to the main floor. Everything was black with gold accents down the large pool table in the corner and marble flooring my heels clicked on. The ceiling wasn't as high as it was upstairs but it all looked just as impressive. The thing that caught most of my attention was the fact that I couldn't hear a peep coming from upstairs. No loud rap, no voices, nothing. Sound proof walls I guess?

Remembering the reason I came down here in the first place, I sat down on the inviting black sofa and called Mother. It rung twice before she picked up. "Hello, Mother. What are you doing up at this hour? Is everything okay?" New York was three hours ahead of California and she typically stayed on a strict sleeping schedule.

"You little bitch! What kind of spoiled brat steals from the one she calls her mother?" She screamed in my ear.

"W-what? I-" I stammered over my words. What the hell was she talking about?

She cut me off, her tone more lethal than I'd ever heard. "You're cut off. Cut. Off. You hear me? You're out of our lives. Your father, Magnolia and me will no longer have contact with you and if you try anything, we'll be taking legal action against you. Keep the three million you somehow managed to steal from us, it's the last you'll ever get."

The obnoxious ringing in my ears was the only thing I could hear. It felt like I was moving in slow motion when I finally lifted myself off of the couch. There was a huge man standing behind the sofa for I don't know how long. His lips moved but I didn't register a thing he said as I walked up the stairs with heavy legs. He probably would've scared me if I hadn't been so disoriented

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