Chapter Fifteen: Safe

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Drew Cage
July 26th, 2024

"Magnolia never gave me a bad vibe. I can't believe she would set Lily up like that." Rocky said looking down at the city. I paid a shit ton on money for the view.

"How are we going to keep them away from each other?" Pierre asked, sitting across from my desk. I stayed silent.

"Do not tell me you threatened her." The fucker thought he could act like my dad just because he was two years older than me.

I smiled. "I didn't threaten her." I had Viktor take care of that for me. He looked at me, waiting for me to elaborate.

"An old friend of mine owed me a favor."

"All your friends are standing in this room."

Rocky giggled like an obnoxious school girl.

. . .
Rocky Winslow
July 26th, 2024

I walked to the kitchen area of the cafe. I was eager to see Lily. She was alone back here today.

"Hey, Little Lily."

"Hi. What's up?" She kept her eyes focused on the dough she was rolling.

Nothing much. I just found out your sister stole three mill from your parents and put it in your account so she could ruin your life. And she's never gonna speak to you again because Drew's creepy Russian ' friend' threatened her. That's all though.

"Just work. You?"


Drew told me what they did in his hotel room. That gave me hope. Clearly she still wanted us, she was just hesitant like I thought she might be in the very start of this all. I didn't know if she was just lying to us about her desires or if she was lying to herself too.

If it were the latter, this would take a lot of time and persistence. She was worth the wait though, I just knew it.

She began kneading the dough again. She probably rolled it too thin. I walked up behind her, pressing my front to her back. She was practically trying to murder the dough now.

"Need some help with that?" I whispered in her ear. She took a sharp inhale.

"I got it." Did she realize how husky her voice sounded?

I took her hands in mine and began kneading the dough. She looked fucking delectable today, with her hair in a messy bun and a light blue dress on. I resisted to urge to flip her dress up and take her right here.

"Rocky." She practically whined. Drew told me she would give in as soon as you touched her. It turned me on knowing she wanted us that badly.

I bet she was really fucking desperate after he edged her yesterday.

"We're friends, aren't we Lily?" I asked, massaging her waist. She fit perfectly in my arms.

"Mhm." She unconsciously pressed herself closer to me.

I pressed light kisses on her shoulder. "I could be a really good friend if you let me."

I spun her around to face me. She looked at me with wide eyes. She almost looked drunk. "Say yes to me."


"Package for Lily Mayfield." The doors burst wide open. You have got to be kidding me.

She took the package from the man. "You expecting something?" I asked.


I watched her struggle to open the small box and tried to hide my laugh. She looked down at whatever was inside in fear. I hated the sight of her scared.

"Lily? What is it sweetheart?"

She slowly walked backwards and covered her mouth with her palm. What the hell should I have done?

"I...I need to go." She sounded truly afraid for her life. She ran towards the back door.

I followed her out, trying to catch up to her. She disappeared. Fuck.

"Lily!" I called out but it was no use. She was gone.

I hurried back to the kitchen. I grabbed the box and took out whatever was in there. What the fuck? I almost dropped the dagger in my hand.

It was all a plain matte black color, except for a red carving on the handle. It read 'AB' vertically. The thing was creepy for sure, but it had to have meant something to Lily.

The more I learned about her the less I seem to know. But one thing was for sure. She had gone through some seriously messed up shit.

I grabbed my keys from the office and got in my Aston Martin in record time. I didn't really know where I was going but I needed to find her.

Speeding off into the street, I called Pierre and told him to call Drew after I filled him in on what just happened.

It hadn't really dawned on me that I had no clue what Lily liked to do in her free time or where she liked to spend her time.

But I wouldn't stop looking for her until she was safe and sound with me.

. . .
Pierre Benoit
July 26th, 2024

Her back was to me. I watched her. Looking for her here was a long shot, but there she was.

I texted Drew and Rocky that she was home. We had been searching for a couple hours. I sat down next to her, she kept her eyes fixed on the stream.

Her eyes were red and puffy. I just wanted to hold her. I maneuvered behind her to do just that. She jumped at the contact and the melted into me the next second. I never wanted her to be afraid with me. I only wanted to give her the love she deserved.

I rubbed the goosebumps on her arms. It was far too hot outside. Most of her weight was leaning into me. I held her tighter.

I kissed the back of her head and whispered to her. "You're safe, amore. As long as I'm by your side, you're safe."

"She's coming for me, Pierre." Her body tensed.


Her silence was deafening.

"Who's coming, amore?"

She turned around and studied my face. Her eyebrows were scrunched together and she looked so, so sad.

"Please, take me inside." Her hands fisted my shirt.

I carried her all the way to my bedroom, happily. Rocky and Drew walked in the room. Their concerned faces immediately looked at Lily.

"Get her settled in bed. I'll be right back."

I went to kitchen and made her some hot chocolate. Once she fell asleep, I would need to talk to the guys. Someone was trying to scare her. Rocky told me about the knife. I wondered why she was so afraid of it.

I was always protective over the people I cared about. Mama raised me that way because I was the oldest of my sisters. It stuck throughout the rest of my life.

Lily was cozied up under the blankets with Rocky and Drew. Drew didn't look so content cuddling in bed but stayed still nevertheless. She was getting him wrapped around her little finger and I was almost certain she had no clue. He probably didn't either.

She sat up a little when I handed her the mug. "Thank you."

She always spoke more softly when she was upset. I wondered why that was.

I watched her gulp down the hot chocolate and Rocky set the mug on the bedside table. I sat down at the foot of the bed and the worry subsided for a moment.

The sight of my friends, Lily, and I lying on the bed—man. I could explain just how right this felt. Sharing a woman with my friends wasn't particularly appealing, to say the least. But right now, I wouldn't have had it any other way.

There was a time I thought I may have wanted Lily for myself, though I wouldn't have done that to my friends.

Yet, in this moment, I liked that Lily had all of us. I had a feeling she needed all of us. Even if we told her she could choose just one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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