1 Socal disaster

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"James! I just got word from Karol, she's willing to team up with us!"
James smiles at Aiden
"Oh really? That's all I needed to hear."
James starts walking away, Aiden grabs James' arm
"James? Where are you going?"
Aiden is worried
"Aiden, I'm going to the cabins, I'll be right back, okay?"
Aiden nods before walking away.


James called to the girls in the cabin, and sure enough, Rosa, Maggy, and Lake come out of the cabin, confused
"What is it?"
Lake asks confused
"I have something to tell you!"
Karol arrived confused
"What's going on here?"
James smiles
"I overheard Karol telling Aiden that she was willing to vote one of you. She can't be trusted."
Karol was shocked
"That's a bold face lie! I would never!"
Rosa gets suspicious
"How do we know your not lying, James?"
James sighs
"Believe what you want, but if it's a tie between me and you, don't come crying."
Soon James leaves to go into the bathrooms. Suddenly a hand grabbed James by the head, James tried to get out of the sociopath's hands, but couldn't, as they had a secret strength. They take James to the confessional and pin him with nails, James tries to scream but the sociopath had put duct tape on his mouth, then they put duct tape on James' nose and left him to suffocate after placing an X on James' forehead.

Krystal checked the camera in the confessional and saw James' body, immediately she gathered Marcus and Nina then drove off, she never turned off the electrical gate so the campers are trapped in the camp. Including Oliver, who was left behind as he was working on equipment for the next challenge

Soon Riya wants to use the confessional to talk about Connor, so she opens the door, only to find James in there, dead. She screams and runs to the cabins to inform everyone.

Victim 1: James
Keep your mouth shut.
Krystal, your much like your father, you know?
He left campers to die too.
A long time ago, like, 5 years later it would have been 2 decades ago since your father's death.
Poor you..
You poor fool
James never knew how cruel you were
Until he realized
Your letting these killings continue
Your activity allowing suffering happen to these poor campers.
He won't let that slide.

1 down, 10 to go

The Disventure Massacre (Disventure camp S2 x IOTS)Where stories live. Discover now