4 The Swamp Witch

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When Rosa found the bodies she hopped down, after finding Maggy's clothes she cried, Lake comforted her.
"Rosa it's gonna be okay.. calm down.."
Rosa turns to Lake
"No it's not! I was just captured! I cant say who the killer is or I die! And now?! Maggy, the strongest person here, she's dead! I cant do this!!"
Rosa ran off, Lake went to Kai
"Kai, I'm so sorry"
Kai was silent, he just walked away, that didn't look good.

Everyone gathered for a meeting held by Tess,

"I believe everyone had heard a double death had happened, which is why I think we should relocate, it's obvious that the killer knows where we are, so we should all group into groups of 3? There are 9 of us, it shouldn't be too difficult. Me, hunter, and Aiden will be a group, along with Kai, Ally, and Oliver.. leaving Rosa, Lake, and Riya, would that be okay with everyone?"
Everyone nods but Aiden raised his hand
"Why can't we choose our groups?"
Hunter looks at Aiden
"It's so we can keep look out on the killer. Who knows if it's one of us?"
Tess smiles
Kai turns to Oliver
"Your aura is kind and loving, you'll make a great edition to the camp!"
Oliver smiles at Kai
"Thanks man! I know where the camping supplies is, so I'll grab them right now!"
Oliver runs to the supply cabin that Kristal had stored supplies in case of a threat. Like father like daughter I guess.

While setting up camp, Riya noticed Rosa humming
"Rosa, are you humming the tune for Clare de Lune?"
Rosa smiles
"Yeah! It's quite catchy!"
Lake turns to them
"I can play it on the piano nearby if you guys want, Clair de Lune was the first song my mom taught me, well, before she became strict and banned my piano lessons.. I can still play beat to beat!"
Rosa and Riya were shocked, Riya speaks up
"Rosa, your hearing this, right?!"
Rosa turns to Riya
"I know.." she turns to Lake. "Lake when we get out of here, you might want to keep away from your parents if they are that strict.. they will think you can't think for yourself ever and keep you in your house!"
Lake nods
"I wish I could, but.. I have a.. boyfriend at home.."
Riya chimes in
"Woah! Does he have a car?"
Rosa smiles and chimes in as well
"Is he cute to you?"
Lake awkwardly laughs
"Girls slow down! It's not what you think.."
Riya is now confused
"What do you mean? It has to be! How did you two meet?"
Lake chuckled a bit
"We.. didn't meet.."
Rosa is confused
"How are you dating him if you haven't even met?"
Lake frowns a bit
"My parents arranged a marriage for me, I don't even know how old he is, they say he's from a rich family so.. yay!"
Riya looked angry
"What the fuck?! That's so sick and twisted to marry off your own child to someone who could be a 57 year old man! You need to be independent girl! No child should be put out and sold like nothing but trash!"
Rosa chimes in, siding with Riya
"Riya is right! Your parents don't want what's best for you, they are controlling every aspect of your life! Its wrong!"
Lake gets angry
"Will you two shut up?! Both of you have NO SAY in what's best for me! I'm going to go and relax, you two BETTER not talk to me when I get back!"

Lake walks to the lake nearby, seeing an old cabin in there, she walks inside, wondering if it can be used as a place to stay, she finds a picture? It was a lady, she had brown messy hair, zits all over her face,  Lake recognized her, it was her ex best friend! Her parents told her to drop her, she wondered why the shack had a picture of her? Maybe they knew her? Suddenly the Sociopath walked in
"What are you doing in here?!"
Lake turns around
"Hold on.. I.. it's-"
Suddenly the sociopath injected a tranquilizer dart into Lake, this wasn't planned, she shouldn't have found that photo! Immediately the sociopath put the photo in their pocket and put Lake into a bag and tied it up, they then went to the swamp at the other side of the woods and took off her wig and started creating their next piece of art.

Rosa and Riya noticed Lake had been gone for 3 hours, they search for her when suddenly Ally screamed, they ran to her and saw Lake, she was held up by a stick with one of her eyes plucked out and stitched onto her stomach, her wig was ripped off and placed as power coming out of her hands with the flower being smushed in front of her, her hair replaced with sticks being plunged into her head and the finishing touch was that she had a mash nailed onto her head that was that of a witch. She couldn't breathe in said mask, and it was filled with water so she would drown as the cause of death, since none of the sticks hit her brain.

Victim 5: Lake

Enter the swamp?
Don't approach her
She's angry
Angry at everyone
She should have listened to her parents
Shes the second most vengeful
But she won't harm you
Only if you step off the path
She will crawl towards you and scream
Just watch your step
To escape her spell.

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