3 Fight or Freeze

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Yul, Tess, and Hunter all go out to pick berries for the teams, since there is no food because Krystal left. They all bond a bit before Aiden arrived
"Hey guys, we are all meeting up in the the cabins, we're gonna discuss our gameplan on how we can get the killer and apprehend them"
Yul scoffs at Aiden
"Your so pushy!"
Hunter glares at Yul then turns to Aiden
"Alright, we'll come after we get done with the berries"
Ally smiles
"I'll collect as much as I can!"
Tess just stays silent.

Once everyone meets up, Maggy starts the conversation

"So, Connor is dead, and Karol is missing.. I think she might have been killed too.."
Riya collapsed onto her knees, she started crying
"No! No! I cant do this! We have to get out of here!"
Aiden goes to Riya
"Hey, it's okay, we can get off this runway soon.."
Riya smiles and hugs Aiden, glad that she had a friend to talk to.
Maggy interrupted
"I think.. we should sleep in shifts, I think the killer is in these woods.."
Yul interrupted
"No shit, circus freak! We cant stay in those cabins anymore!"
Suddenly Kai puts his hand on Yul's shoulder
"I disagree, I sense that.. the cabins are the safest place to be, as it has locks.."
Rosa is shocked, she had just gotten out of a confined area after all
"T-The killer is-"
As soon as she sees a glare she changes the sentence
"The killer is obviously experienced with this kind of thing, it could be.. an assassin.."
Everyone stays silent for about 2 minutes until Yul broke the silence
"Me and Circus Freak will guard the cabin tonight, you guys go to sleep. Then the weird normie goes and get us some food."
Aiden looked offended at being called a "normie" but nods. Everyone goes into the cabin to head to sleep.

During the Night, the sociopath comes out of the cabin, he held two bowls of soup and handed Maggy and Yul the soup
"The others made soup, I decided to bring you two your bowls!"
Maggy smiles
"Thank you, [REDIRECTED]"
Yul scoffed a bit as he drinks out of the bowl, as they weren't supplied with spoons
"Took you long enough!"
As soon as Maggy and Yul finished the food, both of them passed out, they woke up in a hole that Oliver dug for a future challenge that was denied by the producers. There was a knife in the middle while the sociopath stood at the top, smiling
"Welcome to a fight to the death, friends!"
Maggy was shocked
The sociopath shook his head, smiling at them
"I don't think so, you may not remember what happened before this game.. but you all pushed me aside, you all made me this way! It's why I joined the mafia, I'm the person you pushed back all those years ago! You don't remember but I DO!!!"
The sociopath calms down, they tilt their head at Maggy and Yul
"Now, I need to tell you something important.. that Soup I gave you, it was filled with poison, and when I put you in here, I injected you both with enough cure for half a person, the other half, is in the person along side you in the dome, how to get it? Ha! Eat the other person alive!"
Yul screams in shock
"This is sick! Your sick!"
Maggy starts crying
The sociopath smiles
"Says the people who made me this way.. you'll get your memories when you die, I erased them.."
Maggy without second thoughts, and wanting to protect Rosa, ran all the way to Yul, she needed to survive, and to get her memories back! But Yul had the knife, and before Maggy knew it, her throat was slit, Yul threw up as he slowly ate her remains, bite after bite, bone after bone.. soon Maggy was a skeleton
"I.. I cant believe this.. YOUR SICK!!!"
The sociopath smiles at Yul
"Oh! There's one more thing I forgot to mention.."
Yul looks at the sociopath confused, before he started to violently cough, blood poured out of his mouth
The sociopath smiles at Yul as Yul foams in the mouth
"I forgot that, although you get enough cure from the one dose, the second dose is still in effect.."
Yul falls to the ground after he threw up his heart, the sociopath smiles, they had been satisfied their old bullies had fallen. However it wasn't enough, his job was to kill, and leave only one survivor.

Victim 3: Maggy
Victim 4: Yul

If you enter the small pit
You'll see a giant skeleton
Along with a dead body
You'd think going down there is the wrong choice
You'd be wrong
They want you to comfort them
They want you to tell them everything is a lie
When deep down?
They know it's true.
The killer was one of their own.

4 down, 7 to go.

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